Character(s): kairi, axel
Content: kairi goes out to find the person who spoke about riku, but meets up with axel instead.
Setting: muspelheim gate
Time: wednesday
Warnings: .. .. none, yet.
the person on her journal said they might know about riku. and even though kairi didn't know who that person was .. it was a chance she was willing to take. she was tired of being alone, to tell the truth. she didn't know where she was, she was cold .. she just felt so alone and lost .. any sign of riku was good enough for her. if this didn't work out .. well .. then .. she would head back to namine. the blue eyed girl actually had some money now, which demyx had given her .. but .. she just felt bad about using it.
currently, the money sat snug in her pocket, hence why she was walking. kairi never really was one to simply take things given to her .. she felt like she needed to earn them. frowning, she let out a soft sigh and kept up her pace .. she was supposed to meet .. whomever it was .. at one of the gates .. she figured she would send a message when she got there, that way she could wait .. and wouldn't leave the person waiting. she didn't mind waiting herself, really. so it was okay.
trying to keep her spirits up, kairi began to sing quietly to herself. just keep her mind off of the things that were facing her .. and she would be all right.