Character(s): anybody playing games
Content: people play carnival games
Setting: Joco da Crianca Fairgrounds, games area
Time: all day~
Warnings: Multithreaded posting format (please include time of day and sub-location in your comment's subject line)
Step right up! )
"I believe the point is to leave the game in such a state that others could play it should they so desire," he commented, as he drew near, trusting that the jeans and t-shirt he had chosen to wear would be enough to keep people from guessing at his origins.
"Hmm?" he finally replied, turning on the heels of his sandals towards Zexion. "No-no, that's not true at all."
Jutting out his arm, Luffy gestured towards the other Strongman platforms, with other happy festival-goers hoisting their heavy mallets and swinging them hurriedly down onto the lever with all their might. Their faces contorted and their muscles tensed as they gave it their all, with so much effort going into performing such a simple action.
"The point of the game is to hit it as hard as you can. Then, you win a prize!" he said, grinning brightly. "See?"
Right on cue, Luffy was handed an odd little stuffed panda. "Do you want this?" he asked, holding the plush out to the stranger.
"True, perhaps," he answered, letting the semblance of a polite smile settle itself on his face. "Nonetheless I would imagine that most here -" a slight gesture to encompass the other festival-goers in the vicinity "- do not share your strength, something that one could hardly call fair."
At the offer of the stuffed panda, he merely shrugged. "If you are sure you have no need of it."
True, Luffy was stronger than most. If anything was unfair, it was the comparison of pirate's physical strength with the rest of the crowd. Judging by how hard he had hit the platform earlier, the weight likely would have come crashing down just around the outskirts of the fairground borders.
Still, Luffy didn't see it as being an unearned advantage. It was easy to assume that his power came from some external source judging by his dimensions and build, a spell, an enchantment, special equipment, anything from among the worlds that could grant such a blessing, but even more unusual than such methods was the fact that Luffy's musculature was purely natural, gained from a very 'unorthodox' training regiment.
"That's what I do. It'd be unfair if I couldn't," he insisted, still holding the bear out to the one vainly using reason and rationality against Luffy.
"So you do," he answered with another polite smile. "Why don't we just forget I said anything then. After all, you may be correct in that it would be unfair if you couldn't do all within your power." After all, not everyone was made with the same strengths - something he himself proved within the Organization that he belonged to.
And as it seemed that his temporary companion indeed wished to offer away what he had won, Zexion reached to take it, with a slight nod of thanks.
"So, what's your name?" he asked with a grin. "Are you from around here, or did you kinda show up here on accident too?"
Of course, he didn't care one way or the other, but he was quite familiar with the lie of politeness and was more than willing to draw it over the emptiness. After all misdirection was his specialty.
Suddenly, a moment of clarity amid Luffy's usual dim nature. He almost seemed reflective as he spoke, and briefly tilted his head up to stare at the false heavens above. "I think maybe something called me here, and I agreed to come." He smiled, and looked back towards 'Ian'. "Deep down inside, that is."
"That may be the case for some. However I am certain that there are others who would gladly return to the places that came from. Not all are inclined to travel great distances and doubtless there are those who were in the midst of something important before this place called them here. Or even those who have not yet seen any others of the places they call home and begin to worry for those left behind."
And doubtless people would keep coming. That was, after all, the nature of the place.
"Hmm, hmm, yes." he muttered softly. "I think I have a good reason for staying here, at least for now. I keep hearing about a bunch of weird sorts wearing black, who go around kidnapping people." Luffy turned his head aside and sneered at the thought. "Somebody ought to put them in their place. I'd do it myself, but I can't find any of them around."
"They do seem to be scarcer of late. One can only hope they've been driven away for the time being."
Inside, however, he couldn't help from smiling a cold cruel smile, even if the facade of politeness hid it from view.
"But, you should probably be careful," he continued, still blissfully ignorant of the truth. "You seem like a pretty good guy, and I don't want anything bad happening to the nice folks around these parts."
At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder idly about what would happen if he knew just who he was talking to. Not that he intended to bring it up of course. Leave that to more fool-hardy of his kind; he had no intentions of picking fight he knew he had no chance of winning.
"Naa, is that so?" he asked, a strange grin sliding across his face. "Are you pretty strong?" For a moment, he looked a little hopeful, in the foolish sense that he often looked to a friendly skirmish in order to entertain himself.
And to be fair, he looked it - short, and tending towards something that could be only defined as 'bookish'. Truth be told, he'd rather not fight, if it came to it. There were other ways to bring down a foe after all.
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