Released Back Into the Wild [Active]

Jul 27, 2007 21:51

Character(s): Gaston and probably Haku, Kaa, and Repliku
Content: Gaston finds himself in the streets with no idea of how he got there.
Setting: Around Morem o Lisboa
Time: Evening
Warnings: Kaa and Gaston in the same thread? WHO WILL SURVIVE?

It felt like a hangover, but Gaston couldn't remember drinking anything alcoholic. In fact, he couldn't even remember what had happened to him. The sky was familiar, at least. He had just opened his eyes to find that blasted fake sky overhead, with its stupid painted clouds and sun and everything. Obviously, he was still in the city. He was also lying down in the street. It occurred to him that this was not a proper thing to do, especially for someone with a reputation to uphold. With this in mind, the hunter pushed himself to his feet, trying to ignore the pounding in his head.

Now that he thought about it, he wasn't even sure why he was in the city. He was sure he'd left it, with Jack and... and some other people... And then... Then... something had happened? He had a hazy recollection of a scuffle and then... Then there was nothing. He had to have been knocked out. That was the best explanation. He'd obviously been dumped in the streets somewhere while he was unconscious. The thought made him seethe inwardly. Bad enough to lose a fight, but to get thrown in the gutter like a beggar? That was just adding insult to injury. Someone was going to pay for that someday. At least, once he figured out who was behind it all...

riku replica, kaa, gaston, haku, completed, morem o lisboa

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