Crack Becomes Canon [Active]

Jul 02, 2007 19:29

Characters: Itachi and the lovely Larxene
Content: Itachi and Larxene finally meet in canon. Oh, what could ensue.
Setting: Somewhere between Porfavore's and Actua Are
Time: Early-evening (after this thread.)
Warnings: Right now, none.

Itachi was more than glad to be on his way to the hotel. )

uchiha itachi, larxene

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atwelthstorm July 4 2007, 01:12:04 UTC
Larxene stretched her arms as she weaved in and out of crowds of people with relative ease. Oh, she was still sore from when she had battled Laharl, but it was healing well. Broken bones (or ribs as the case was) had healed to some extent, and bruises were only yellowish reminders on her skin. She felt excellent, better than she had in a long time.

It was nice to prey about the streets, for once with no further plan than to see what sort of fool she met outside. Nevermind how she was being scolded for how much she stood out! Larxene had never really been the sort to be in the background at any rate. Heaven forbid she leave and get out every now and then.

Not to mention break a few minds, remind people of their true status in Paixao, even if that bloody Mayor was attempting to ruin it all. She hummed quietly at the thought, another light step, and finally, someone who wasn't a paixaoan native. Wonderful, she said mentally. Finally something to actually do besides be introspective, something she wasn't very good at and felt as though ( ... )


redeyesatnight July 4 2007, 01:42:43 UTC
Considering his amnesia, it really wasn't such a surprise that Itachi had never noticed Larxene following him. He couldn't remember how to do such things, let alone that he could do them. Plus, he was intent upon finding his way back to the hotel. Had he been paying attention, it would have been an easier going and wouldn't have required his focus.

Naturally, the Uchiha was startled by Larxene's giggle, and her greeting. He turned to her, surprise still written upon his features. After all, there was no training to school them. At least, not in his memory at present.

"Ah, hello." Itachi offered a smile. The woman before him was rather pretty, if he said so.


atwelthstorm July 4 2007, 02:02:45 UTC
Another sign of not being a ninja, or at least temporarily disabled as one. So, was this another victim of amnesia, she wondered? Of course he was, poor dear. She folded her hands behind her back, looking as innocent as an actor could manage.

"What's a poor boy like you doing out here all by yourself, hmm? It's not safe at night, you know!"

A smirk. "I'm Larxene," and a sing-song voice. She knew a secret and he couldn't know it. She wouldn't tell.


redeyesatnight July 4 2007, 02:37:52 UTC
Itachi seemed rather taken aback by Larxene's comments. If there was something he had been expecting, that wasn't it. And it took him a moment to consider a response.

"My friend is dealing with someone; just tying up some lose ends. He told me to go on ahead." It was the truth, after all. He hadn't even stuck around long enough to see if Naruto and Sasuke were going to fight.

"If it's not safe at night, a lady such as yourself shouldn't be out and about alone." He offered another smile. Memories or not, he could still be a gentleman. "I'm Itachi..." His voice dropped. "Or so I've been told."


atwelthstorm July 5 2007, 00:39:17 UTC
"Aww, so you're one of those poor, dear amnesiacs!" She said with a little hint of glee. She'd heard all about them, but she hadn't bothered to search them out. Perhaps she should make an effort to do such, hmm?

Still, this could be used to her advantage, and she took a step towards him, her hand reaching under his chin, a soft touch, one of the rare ones that Larxene ever really bothered to give out. She giggled and smiled (yes, smiled) at him.

"Oh, Itachi... And do you think you can protect me? What if I am the reason it's dangerous at night, hmm?"


redeyesatnight July 5 2007, 05:23:57 UTC
The glee in Larxene's voice was rather confusing for Itachi. Was he supposed to be happy that he couldn't remember anything? He didn't think it was a good thing that he had no idea who he was and had to rely upon others to tell him. In fact, it was rather bothersome.

The Uchiha was certainly surprised with how forward Larxene was. He hadn't expected for her to move so close, nor actually touch him. Not, of course, that he minded. Far from it. He did appreciate the smile Larxene offered him.

"I can try," he replied. "You'd deserve it, I'm sure. And if you are, well, I'd like to hope that I'm not on your bad side."


atwelthstorm July 5 2007, 17:56:52 UTC
"What if I have no sides? Just a fickle, wanton nymph who enjoys in confusing and frightening others?" She giggled then, moving her hand to stroke his hair, smile still fixed pleasantly in place.

"Or maybe I am just a bad joke-teller, hmm?" She moved away then, glancing at Itachi out of the corner of her eyes as she turned to seemingly survey the area surrounding them.

This would be an opportune time to make some friends, hm? To prove that she could be helpful too, if the mood so struck her. It wasn't like she had energy to really play with anyone at that moment anyway. "So..."

"You were going to the hotel?"


redeyesatnight July 5 2007, 18:18:36 UTC
"No sides?" Itachi repeated questioningly, a faint blush creeping across his face at the contact. "I wouldn't have to worry about a bad one, then, would I? And I must say, if you intend to confuse me, you're quite on target."

The Uchiha watched Larxene as she moved away, considering her next comment. "I'm pretty sure that, if it were a bad joke, I would be at a loss to tell presently." So much was true for now, that he couldn't tell. He knew no jokes to compare it to, at least.

"Yes, I am headed to the hotel. My friend was rather insistent that I leave ahead of him." Not, of course, that Itachi had blamed Naruto for doing so. He was safer away from Sasuke, and it would be easier for the two boys to talk if Itachi weren't there. A better situation for all involved.


atwelthstorm July 7 2007, 16:58:16 UTC
Larxene giggled, a rare chance for her to be helpful. Oh, wouldn't that throw Timon for a loop? It'd throw a lot of people for a loop, actually, she realized with another giggle. Besides, when this boy got his memories back, he'd be a useful ally indeed, wouldn't he? It couldn't hurt to have a ninja on your side, after all.

So, she took another step towards the direction the hotel was in, her eyes glowing in the false light of the after sunset sky. Her hands came from behind her back and rested against her sides easily, and she took another step.

"It's soooo... Terrible to be memory-less," She commented with a sing-song voice. "The world gets so much more confusing this way, doesn't it? But I'm feeling generous!"

He should honestly count himself as lucky. There was no other way to explain it. "I'll take you to the hotel, and save you from any baddies that might be outside, hmm?"


redeyesatnight July 8 2007, 19:44:25 UTC
"It is," Itachi admitted sadly. "There are so many things that I think I should know, that I've been told I did know." Larxene was the first person to reach out to him besides Naruto, the first person to truly be nice that didn't have some obligation to do so. Not, of course, that he thought Naruto had been obligated to be nice to him. This just seemed so different.

And the Uchiha couldn't believe his luck. This woman was offering to take him back to the hotel that he was sure he couldn't find. He wouldn't have to worry about getting lost along the way! Really, this only raised Itachi's estimation of Larxene. If she wanted someone to vouch for how kind and generous she was, she was certainly going about it the right way.

"I... thank you. I really appreciate your help." He offered a small smile. "I don't know that I need protection from any baddies. I think I've already had my encounter for the day."


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