Character(s): Larxene, anyone who wants to join in.
Content: Larxene has to find a way to get to a hotel after Superior Smackdown. xD
Setting: On the way to the Morem o Lisboa; starting at Ecos na Catedral.
Time: Tuesday evening.
Warnings: Language? ~
Larxene lay against the rock that had now become her BFF. )
Wait! You shouldn't be walking around with a wound like that!"
Maybe she was being delusional. A quick wince before she turned around, wiping the rain off of her eyes. Footsteps confirmed that she was not having mental problems, but it was rather a person. A woman.
"...And who might you be?" she asked monotonously, not bothering to move. It hurt too much.
Apparantly the woman wasn't too smooth on her feet, for she was now laying on her butt right in front of her with a mutter. Larxene couldn't outstretch her hand due to the broken bone she had piercing her right bicep, and she explained herself slowly.
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to help yourself up. I'm in... a pretty horrible condition," she continued on, her expressionless face not changing. Her bones were broken. She was stuck halfway to her destination point, the hotel was screaming "Larxene, come to me!~~", and she desperately needed to go purchase some potions and a take a warm bath. "How on earth did you land all the way here, anyway?" she questioned the woman before they were introduced to one another.
That hotel should shut the hell up.
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