Character(s):Genjyo Sanzo, a Lumen and whoever wants to join him for a walk to the grocery store
Content:walking around Vanaheim really looking for a store that sells cigarettes
Setting:After the Dan thing, wandering around Vanaheim area (around G4) trying to read the map to where the grocery store is.
Time:around late afternoon
Warnings:Sanzo's bad language
Sanzo was now smoking his last cigarrette, and he was very irritable, and the map that he had found wasn't helping him at all find the closest store from where he was. He turned the map upside down, to both sides and he even took out his glasses and tried to read it, but it was no use. "This is why Hakkai always held the fucking map when we were travling." Sanzo said to himself.
After many minutes of trying to figure out how to read the map, he finally decided to put it away. Thus he began to fold the map, and that proved to be no easy feat either. Sanzo eventually made the map obey him, and put it in his robes until he found someone that could read maps to travel with for awhile.