Character(s): Uzumaki Naruto, Garnet 'Dagger' Til Alexandros, Yoda, Daxter and eventually Uchiha Itachi.
Content: Naruto arrives in Paixao, meets some new faces and a familiar one but then people start forgetting again!
Setting: Vanaheim Gate
Time: Afternoon.
Warnings: None.
"Huh?" Blue eyes blinked owlishly at the sudden change of scenery. Naruto's
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A short ways off, a human in a bright orange jumpsuit seemed to be toying with his own orange journal. His blond hair and blue eyes didn’t make him stand out much but his clothes were vastly different from the surrounding people, who all seemed content to ignore the diminutive Jedi. But the clothes were not what made the boy stand out so much. No, it was the energy he gave out in the Force. An energy that made him stand out like a candle in a dark lit room amongst all of these people. But there was something beneath all of this energy. A darkness that felt most… …unpleasant. It was strange, almost as if he were sensing two people in the Force. He recalled a case from around thirty standard years ago when one of his students had become a schizophrenic and one of her personalities had fallen to the dark side. She had murdered several people, including her master at the time, all the while hunting down their murderer, not realizing the horrible truth. Could something similar be the case with this boy? He didn’t feel like he was Force-sensitive yet he was strong in the Force. The combination was most confusing.
Slowly he made his way over to the boy, leaning heavily on his gimer stick and playing the defenseless old man to hilt. He knew he’d probably come across as a little crazy but that would only make the boy open up a little more. It had worked with Luke after all. He stopped a few feet away from the boy and looking at him in an inquiring manner greeted him.
(ooc: yes there actually WAS a schizophrenic Jedi. ^-_-^)
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