Characters: Oberon Ansem and Titania Marluxia
Content: Ansem saves Marluxia's non-life out of curiosity.
Setting: The Fortriss of Darkniss™
Time: Monday morning (flashbackback)
Warnings: Nudity, near-death experiences?
Deep within the productive sleep of Ansem's dream-state, all was peace and order. In the womb-like silence of his rest-state, nothing could disturb him.
He clung to his pet, savouring the Darkness within the youth's heart, slowly replenishing his private reserve of power by draining the surrounding countryside.
And then, just when he was hovering on the razor's edge between needful rest and remaining so by choice, something swept across the paths of dreaming and disturbed his slumber.
It began as a distant wail, and slowly grew to a keening shriek, louder by the minute, until finally the etheric air was rent asunder by primal screams of rage.
Ansem could easily feel the cause:
Somewhere, someone--something--was dying.
And it seemed to resent this fact more than most.
The noise this being was making seriously tempted Ansem to help it along its way. In fact, he was extending his influence to do just that, when the tendrils of his power brushed against something that felt vaguely familiar.
One of his own?
This was not one he recognised.
What, then?
A Nobody?
An artificially-created Nobody?
Which bore the unmistakable stamp of his own lab?
Ansem blinked, irritably drawing himself up from the depths of his dream-state.
This called for closer examination, even if the timing was dreadful.
Had the Non-Existent one not been clawing at the precipice to keep itself from toppling over the Abyss, Ansem would not have been able to retrieve it by spiritual means alone. But it was so nearly dead. The only things keeping it going over the edge were stubborn will and outrage.
Ansem used some of his precious personal resources, not yet fully replenished, to pull at that stubborn will, drawing the being - or rather NON-being - to him.
Marluxia vanished from the wreckage in the north quarter, leaving behind only the broken half of the Superior's weapon and a large pool of blood.
He reappeared on Ansem's bedroom floor, where the megalomaniac responsible rose from bed and peered curiously down at the dying Nobody as he casually dressed.