Why Insomnia Doesn't Pay [Complete]

Jan 29, 2007 14:59

Character(s): Miranda, Chris Lightfellow, Betelgeuse
Content: In which there is much waiting, worrying, introductions and... haunting.
Setting: Muspelheim Gate
Time: Mid-noonish

You mentioned being near the Muspelheim gate. That is close to where I am staying. Would you like me to bring you here until your friends arrive?

Miranda took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down and think rationally. Thanks to the message board, she now knew that Allen, Rabi, and Linali were also in this city and had been able to make contact with the first two.

She wasn't insane. This place... Paixao... it wasn't a figment of her imagination derived from insomnia. It really did exist and she had somehow wound up here without really knowing how or why. But it wasn't a dream.

Considering the man who had called himself "Little Red Riding Hood" and that person who had taunted her about the bogeyman, as well as the person who hadn't typed much at all... Paixao being one big hallucination would have made a lot more sense.

"I just have to wait," she mumbled, settling herself on a nearby bench and clutching her journal to her chest. The person who had volunteered to help her out until her friends arrived (if they arrived) had requested that she stay put, so put she'd stay.

If only "staying put" didn't involve wandering minds and private worries that included the location of her friends and of certain creatures that this person with knives had mentioned.

muspelheim, betelgeuse, miranda lotte, chris lightfellow, completed

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