Happy Reunion -- whaa?? [Active]

Dec 06, 2006 05:40

Character(s): Kir, Jing, Kovu
Content: Kir hops a train to the Central Station to track down his wayward partner, not realizing he's about to give him the shock of a lifetime...
Setting: Paixao Central Station [J6]
Time: Middle of the day-ish
Warnings: General WTF crack :)

The train couldn't have arrived fast enough for Kir's taste, and he'd probably have been pacing if it weren't for the fact that his feet still ached from walking around Vanaheim. So he sat on a bench and kicked his feet irritably, waiting for the train.

At least trains are something familiar, Kir thought, for they'd been a primary source of transport around Aquavitae. The former albatross regarded his human fingers and sighed. Even if it weren't for the strange people and the artificial landscape of Paixao, he'd have hated it simply because it had stripped him of his true form, and he dearly missed his wings.

A shrill whistle made him look up, and he saw that the train was drawing into the station. He followed the milling lines and found a seat against the window. It didn't take long for the train to fill, and soon enough, the train left the Vanaheim station, bound for the Central Station.

The sound of the train clacking over the tracks was oddly reassuring, and Kir ended up dozing lightly for most of the trip. The sound of the train's whistle once more woke him, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "That wasn't so bad..." he admitted, talking to himself. As he had no luggage, only the journal-locket around his neck, he didn't have to wait in line to disembark.

The station was crowded, and he wished yet again he could fly above everybody to locate Jing. Still, how hard could his partner be to find, especially with that coat of his?

And yet, no glaring flash of yellow could be found. "Where are ya, Jing?" Kir muttered.

kir, jing, paixao central station, kovu

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