My very own movie! [Active]

Nov 15, 2006 18:04

Character(s): Minako, Serena, Raito, Yachiru, & Peter
Content: Minako's Active Imagination! The film event of a lifetime! (Or, Minako winds up in Paixao unexpectedly and ends up meeting a familiar face.)
Setting: Joutenheim gate area
Time: mid-morning
Warnings: None

Trap or none, Minako couldn’t help but feel like she was starring in her own action flick! She was like a famous explorer pushing through the uncharted wilds! Moments ago she had been traveling through the urban jungle, and now here she was, in a real jungle! It wasn’t a jungle like in the movies, though, with trapped pits and snakes dangling from the trees and a temple full of exotic treasures fit for a queen!

It was pretty quiet, though, and that bothered her. Usually jungles - or woods, in this case - were pretty noisy. There were always birds singing at least, or the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. Here it was almost like the environment was holding its breath, waiting for something.

Maybe it was a movie set waiting for its leading lady! There could be hidden cameras all over the place, with people recording her every move! In that case, she ought to look the part. Minako glamorously tossed her hair back over one shoulder and straightened her high school uniform. Too bad she was dressed in something so boring. A true explorer would have some khakis and one of those really funny round brimmed hats! Or she could be like Jane from Tarzan, and wear an elegant Victorian gown as she trudged through the forests!

As she continued, Minako noticed the trees were thinning out slowly. She was coming onto a clearing. A pretty big one at that. She stopped and stared in awe. There was her temple! It was a futuristic domed temple, but if that was the kind of movie she was in, she’d go along with it! In that case, she’d need one of those funky sparkly silver one-piece outfits with a space helmet! She’d always wanted to wear one of those.

Thinking nothing of possible danger and everything of being a real, live starlet, Minako crossed the open space towards the domes. She made sure her walk was attractive and feminine, just as she’d practiced in front of the mirror on countless occasions. Eventually she came on a huge gate. It had two giants battling! This was definitely a future flick. Something so imposing could only be designed with the technology of tomorrow! She stared for awhile, and then turned to look around.

Ah! There were her extras. They were a few people waiting in line. Minako squinted at them. They weren’t wearing future clothes! What they had on was closer to the Victorian clothing she’d pictured herself in just minutes before. What kind of movie was this, anyway? She had a hard time trying to define a genre. Was this an ancient culture awaiting their cataclysmic destiny? Was this a group of special people who’d survived a nuclear disaster for untold years within their fallout shelter? Was this a time-traveling movie? She could hardly play the leading role if she didn’t know what sort of movie it was! Never mind that she had never actually read a script. It was a reality film, she decided, and her improvisational skills would shine!

Minako trotted to the back of the line, not wanting to ruin the film’s flow and cut everyone even though she was the star. Good thing the line was so short. Oh, and the extras were acting! They seemed sorta nervous, really. They kept glancing back at her, and through the gates ahead. They weren’t that calm. Maybe there were dinosaurs roaming around outside! Minako smiled happily. It could still be an action flick after all!

Ah, if only her friends were here to share it with her. She could only imagine their reactions to this! Oh well. They were sure to be invited to the opening night anyway. They wouldn’t miss a bit of Minako’s stunning skills!

kusajishi yachiru, tsukino usagi (sailor moon), yagami raito, peter petrelli, joutenheim, aino minako (sailor venus)

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