Paixao was a... strange place. [Complete]

Oct 04, 2006 21:28

Character(s): Kiara, Duma, Seiichirou Aoki, Xigbar (&his Snipers), and anybody else
Content: KiDuSei have moved from their original location, closer to the center... to encounter the Nobodies!
Setting: A bit past Cafe Ersesat and St. Destino at this point. Possibilities to moving elsewhere.
Time: Morning-afternoonish? ... I think?
Warnings: Nobodies? Yeah. Nobody violences.

First, she runs into the hairless and tailless monkeys, now these.

Kiara had greatly enjoyed meeting Duma and Seiichirou, she liked them very much. She could understand Duma even though he didn't speak, and still giggled about Aoki being startled she was a talking lion. Apparently they didn't have those where he was from. After having a brief conversation with Kovu over comments, learning what Seiichirou's wife and daughter looked like and what his wife might've smelled like, Kiara had suggested moving into the city deeper to find Kovu, who she knew could track. And who she missed, so it wouldn't be that far-fetched to find him quicker for any reason really.

She had ignored odd stares that Seiichirou mostly got for walking with an angel and a lioness, because she found the rest of the 'humans,' as they apparently were called, very strange and scary. These two were very nice! And the one that Kovu said he was with. Although Kiara was certain that Duma wasn't a human. No one else had the wings he did, so she was pretty sure he was special!

But that wasn't exactly the point at the moment. Before they had really even started, Kiara's ears flicked suddenly and unexpectantly, almost fast enough to knock the crystalline flower off her head. Ears pinning back and body scrunching up some, muzzle wrinkling up tightly and canines starting to show through her lips. Screaming. She could hear screaming and she wasn't liking it at all. She had heard it rarely in her peaceful life, but she still knew what it was. "Guys..." she said lightly, quietly, as she could hear it raising in decibles slowly but surely. "Something... something's wrong."

seiichirou aoki, niflheim, completed, duma, xigbar, kiara, npcs

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