The tattooed man appears

Sep 30, 2006 18:55

Characters: Isaac
Content: Isaac enters Paixao
Setting: Joutenheim's Gate
Time: Afternoon.
Warnings: None.

After what felt like an eternity of sleep he woke up, standing, as if to do so was the most natural action in the world! His eyes sucking up the new area hungrily, trying to search for a familiar object, a throne, a pillar, a person. But everything seemed foreign and new. Isaac's immature brain tried desperately to understand what had happened to him. But before he could concentrate properly he was being ushered along, evidently he had awoken in a queue of people. The line leading to a large gate, quite ornate, its mouths opening into some sort of city.

The wait was long and dull and as often as Isaac tried to talk to those in front and behind him he was ignored, dismissed, and he felt as though he was shrinking into himself. Body contort with a variety of ugly emotions; loneliness, angry and frustration. But just as he was going to explode and demand some recognition he was approached by a petite woman holding some sort of smooth slate, much like a book, that she handed to him. He was asked a series of questions, basic details such as his age and name, and after answering them he was pointed into the city.

He took some hesitant steps into the bustling town, eyes wide as he watched pale figures blur past him, arms lank by his sides, very confused but somehow intensely interested in this inexplicable series of events.

mina hakuba, joutenheim, isaac

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