Character(s):Machu Picchu/The Winged Defender, NPCs: dusks,creepers, gatekeeper, lumens
Content: Very tall bird lady is not very happy about this situation and has to deal with the situation. Apparently, she is very needed here.
Setting: Muspelheim
Time: midmorning
Warnings: Violence to the nobodies and scolds and whacks to the lumens; and a bit of creative battle lust
The bolt of lighting came fast enough. The Lone Power could be a very good dead-shot when he was furious. The brief explosion of pain and the light and the shift.
Unfortunately, though she didn’t get the break she was expecting. Next thing she knew, she was sitting dazed on the ground in mostly her out of time form, with wings and a tail. She was a little disappointed about the feathers, but the more immediate thing on her mind as she shook her head, woozily was the things that had encircled her between knee and waist height. Sword up and slash at the grayish things on her right. Hmm..No blood and they didn’t feel right. Flat of the blade tap on the nose to the bluish things that didn’t feel awkward.
“You want violence, I’ll give you violence!” The Winged Defender frowned at the violence coming from the parrot mindset, which hadn’t been gotten rid of either. More slashing at the grayish-white things.
She made her way through to a booth. Bent at the waist, ducking under the sign, she looked down. “Well, hello. Why aren’t you up here trying to fight these rather than hide under that counter?”
The gatekeeper gave a sheepish smile, “I don’t know how to. Help!” She sighed, slashing at another one of the grayish white things. These were annoying. She did see that there was a blue thing on the ground in pounce mode near him, hissing.
The gatekeeper nodded, “May I have your name?”
The Defender frowned, “Machu Picchu. M-A-C-H-U-pause-P-I-C-C-H-U.” She figured she’d use the bird name, it made things so much easier.
The gate keeper nodded, “Welcome to Paixao!” and handed her a journal with a design of the smiling Paixaoese sun on it. Picchu nodded, looking at the device. Well, this was a new experience all together. The gatekeeper ducked back into his hiding spot. She walked in through the gates to be confronted by more gray-ish-white things. This place was like insane. No real wonder why she was needed here as well.