Like a White Shadow [complete]

Sep 26, 2006 00:20

Character(s): Blue, npcs, Dusks, Bakura
Content: Blue chases a Dusk into the hotel and has a run-in (literally) with Bakura...
Setting: outside to Haja O Que Houver
Time: laterish afternoon
Warnings: -

She was sprinting after it, not quite sure why the nagging in the back of her mind told her to go. Perhaps it her animalistic nature that just sent her parading after it -

... but just what it was, she couldn't figure it out. It was lanky, but not human-like at all. It twisted up and around the walls and took long steps that didn't even move in a way that made sense. It almost reminded her as a shadow; a shadow with a solid form.

"Come back here!" she yelled after it, growling low and crouching down on her legs to push her forward ever further. She may not be a canine anymore, but even in human form she could still move like one.

Eyes glared. It was moving towards a building. Why not pay any attention to her? Like it was determined or something. And then a mixture of thorned light - whites and grays - shot up around it and Blue thought that it had disappeared, but she could see a trail of the energy passing through the hotel's door.

"Tricky..." she muttered and followed after it, throwing open the door and stopping inside. She tried to smell it out, but realized it didn't even have a scent. ... Disturbing.

"We're being attacked!" came a squeak from a boy at the counter. More like under the counter anyway.

A sliver of white caught her eye and she quickly was back on the hunt, meeting up with it in a hallway. It sputtered and rotated and loomed over her, skittering in jagged movements that threw her against a door.

Blue grabbed at the wood behind her, trying to support herself and catch her breath as the creature swam up through the air and ricocheted its way further down the hall. She stared at it.

And then stared harder when more of the mixed energy blossumed up from the floor and more of the creatures slivered out and crashed right through the woods of doors. She heard the scream of a woman and a child from one room and suddenly Blue just stayed stiff and sunken against the door, unsure if she could even get herself to keep up the chase.

dancers, bakura ryou, completed, blue, haja o que houver, dusks, npcs

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