Dreams and Kings [complete]

Sep 14, 2006 18:27

Character(s): Lucifer Morningstar, Daniel Hall
Content: Lucifer is Lucifer and Daniel is confused
Setting: PIM(p), over AIM.
Time: Week2
Warnings: None~

(17:21:23) Saunter Downward: ...I am assuming, and I am hardly ever wrong, that this would be the Lord of Dreams...?
(17:21:59) dream succession: ...? Who is this?
(17:23:00) Saunter Downward: I'm surprised by your lack of... hm. Either way, it doesn't matter.
(17:23:37) dream succession: I wasn't aware that these... things could do.. this.
(17:23:50) dream succession: I do apologize if we have met before but, who exactly are you?
(17:24:08) Saunter Downward: They're quite useful, you'll find. I would have expected better from you, Dream King.
(17:24:46) dream succession: Again, I apologize...
(17:25:29) Saunter Downward: You seem unlike yourself, Morpheus.
(17:27:01) dream succession: I'm sorry, but... you must be mistaken.
(17:27:23) dream succession: Morpheus has... passed. In a way..
(17:27:40) Saunter Downward: ...you are the Lord of the Dreaming, are you not?
(17:27:51) dream succession: I am...
(17:28:36) Saunter Downward: ... as far as my knowledge ... ah. I see.
(17:29:00) dream succession: Who is this?
(17:29:45) Saunter Downward: Lucifer Morningstar, my dear Dream.
(17:30:35) dream succession: ... forgive me. I wasn't aware that you were here.
(17:31:43) Saunter Downward: Newly arrived, then? Understandable. I am surprised to see you here, your older sister also seems to be here.
(17:32:17) dream succession: ... older? Death?
(17:32:27) dream succession: Have you seen her?
(17:33:04) Saunter Downward: I have... contacted her briefly over these 'journals'. Why are you here, Dream? This is hardly your realm.
(17:34:40) dream succession: No... no, it is not. I had been searching for my youngest sister, but... I am not sure how I got here.
(17:35:18) Saunter Downward: ...The Lady Delirium...?
(17:35:49) dream succession: Yes. By any chance, have you seen her? Or contacted her, even?
(17:36:59) Saunter Downward: I have not. I cannot assure you that she is not in this Paixao, however, as I have not engaged myself to looking for her.
(17:39:05) dream succession: I see...
(17:39:44) dream succession: Still, I thank you. The knowledge that my older sister is here, in this world, is... comforting, in a way.
(17:40:20) dream succession: I had thought that this world would explain why my youngest sister and... others... have gone missing as of late.
(17:41:03) Saunter Downward: Missing? And here I thought I was special.
(17:42:08) dream succession: I apologize. I didn't mean to imply that you weren't...
(17:42:22) Saunter Downward: ...Well, you share his sense of humor.
(17:42:40) dream succession: ... I do?
(17:42:53) Saunter Downward: Or, at least, his lack of comprehension when it comes to humor.
(17:43:24) dream succession: .. I see.
(17:43:40) Saunter Downward: ... you must be very new to your position.
(17:44:33) dream succession: I am indeed...
(17:45:57) Saunter Downward: Hm. I would assume, then, that time here flows differently. Interesting.
(17:48:42) dream succession: Forgive me if I am being too... nosy, but.. do you remember how you got here?
(17:49:05) Saunter Downward: You are much preferable to your predecessor.
(17:49:53) dream succession: ...? I'm sorry?
(17:50:19) Saunter Downward: Your predecessor, Morpheus.
(17:50:49) dream succession: Did you know him well?
(17:51:08) Saunter Downward: We had ... a business transaction, you might say.
(17:52:01) dream succession: A business transaction...?
(17:52:15) Saunter Downward: Ah. The Key to Hell.
(18:01:33) dream succession: ... I see.
(18:02:42) Saunter Downward: ... Do you?
(18:06:57) dream succession: If I may ask... how exactly did my predecessor come to acquire the key to Hell?
(18:07:52) Saunter Downward: ...I gave it to him.
(18:08:24) dream succession: But... why?
(18:08:38) Saunter Downward: Full of questions and want of learning, are you? Again, an improvement.
(18:09:35) dream succession: I do apologize if I am prying...
(18:10:20) Saunter Downward: I was tired of ruling Hell. You do the same job for a while and it gets boring. Though, I don't suppose you'd understand at all.
(18:10:51) dream succession: ... I see.
(18:11:30) Saunter Downward: Though, you should try freedom sometime, you might like it.
(18:12:31) dream succession: I have no desire to leave the Dreaming.
(18:12:56) Saunter Downward: And yet, you have.
(18:13:38) dream succession: Not of my own volition.
(18:13:57) Saunter Downward: That doesn't have anything to do with it, sometimes.
(18:20:58) dream succession: Then... you came here of your own free will?
(18:21:17) Saunter Downward: Free will is an interesting concept...
(18:22:16) dream succession: ... but then how, exactly, did you get here?
(18:22:39) Saunter Downward: The same way I get anywhere.
(18:23:28) dream succession: Then you know how got here?
(18:23:33) dream succession: By any chance, do you know how to get back?
(18:24:04) Saunter Downward: I have no desire to go back, at this point and time.
(18:24:14) dream succession: I see...
(18:26:03) dream succession: But... if you could tell me how to leave this world, I would indeed be in your debt.
(18:26:25) Saunter Downward: That, little Dream, is something you will have to discover on your own.
(18:26:43) Saunter Downward: I bid you a good day.
(18:28:24) dream succession: Likewise. I thank you for informing me of my older sister's presence. You have been very helpful.

lucifer morningstar, completed, daniel hall

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