A Promising Start [complete]

Sep 10, 2006 13:50

Character(s): Xaldin, Blue
Content: Xaldin, at long last, makes his entry into the wonderful world of Paixao via Vanaheim. Blue meets him and tries to get answers to some gnawing questions.
Setting: Vanaheim area: gate and just beyond
Time: week 2 - afternoon
Warnings: None

As soon as he chose to arrive, Xaldin could see immediately that everything was moving smoothly. The line at the Vanaheim gate was a healthy length. No one was pushing, shoving, or making a scene. No line jumpers. Everyone seemed docile and passive. This was fine with him, of course. It was easier to navigate a quiet stream than an unruly river.

Though he hardly could have been more different - both physically and mentally - from the other entrants, Xaldin joined the line. He was patient enough to wait, and he did not want to make a scene in the very beginning. If he cut everyone off without even a protest from the gateman, some would grow suspicious and assume he had authority. He did not want rumors to spread, so he waited in line.

The other people glanced at him. They didn’t stare, of course, because Xaldin was an intimidating fellow. When he didn’t smile, he knew he appeared like he would break anyone clean in half if they so much as looked at him wrong. And that was good. Respect at an early stage showed promise.

He continued to observe the people in line. None were from other regions, not at the moment anyway. He was certain he’d observe an otherworlder before long. The other members had made that clear, of course. Some had even had very detailed adventures already. He wasn’t there for adventuring or mucking around, though. He had a very specific goal in mind, the same one he’d always had.

The line wasn’t held up, so the wait was not very long. The gatekeeper looked at him once and didn’t make eye contact again.

“Good afternoon, sir,” the gatekeeper spoke. “Welcome to Paixao. May I have your name?”

A little too respectful, but Xaldin couldn’t complain. “Three,” he replied simply, extending his hand for an electronic journal.

The gatekeeper didn’t have to look at Xaldin as he wrote the name down and handed over a journal. “Enjoy your stay!” he said pleasantly. “If I could have the next person!”

The journal, at last. Xaldin tucked it into his jacket and continued into the Vanaheim area of the domes. He passed through the throng at the brochure stand. He had no need for such things. He didn’t even have to push anyone aside, which was disappointing. The people in the area saw him coming, and moved out of the way appropriately. He could hardly stand out more in Paixao, but maybe there was some advantage to that.

completed, blue, vanaheim, xaldin

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