Does it really come as a surprise when I tell you I don't feel good? [Completed]

Jun 24, 2006 00:49

Character(s): Raven
Content: Having left Marianne's house, Raven ponders on where to go next.
Setting: Muspelheim's Streets [L4]
Time: Sunday, Mid-Morning
Warnings: None

It was bright and sunny outside, with the "sky" as clear it could get, contrasting greatly when compared to how bad it was the night before.

She wasn't much of a weather expert, but didn't such drastic changes take longer to happen? At least more than just one day? Well, whatever the reason for it, Raven was glad that she was no longer shivering, nor did she have to worry about getting sick or her body becoming numb. A few "tests" earlier in the day also revealed that she was able to use her powers again.

With the improvement in traveling conditions, the only thing left was to actually think of where to go next. That was where her newest possession came in: a small brown pouch with money inside. It was a gift from Marianne, so that she would be able to afford her own place to live in, if only for a couple of weeks.

Despite the kind gesture, Raven didn't really feel right taking her money like that. She already did more than enough by giving her shelter from the snow. There was absolutely no reason for Marianne to be doing this when they didn't know each other. Raven turned down the money more times than she could be bothered to remember. But in the end, Marianne just wasn't having it and made her take the pouch. All Raven could do was promise that she'd find a way to repay all of her generosity, but even that seemed to fall on deaf ears as Marianne simply smiled and nodded at her.

With the money in hand, she said her goodbyes and exited her host's house. After wandering through the streets again, Raven took out her journal, brought up her map. She took notice of the train stations after observing the map some and headed out for the nearest one. Though not really needing a train to get around, it would at least give her a more "up close" view of the city's many buildings and locations.

muspelheim, completed, raven

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