You and Your Petty Games, Sibling! [AIM/completed]

Jun 23, 2006 21:57

Character(s): Death and Desire
Content: In which the lovely, amiable Death is angry and Desire is A BITCHFACEsmoorth as wineangry as well.
Setting: Over the journals
Time: Monday evening.
Warnings: none ;)

oldersisterdidi : Sister-brother... you are here.
drawntodesire : Ah. sister, you've seen the little present, I believe?
oldersisterdidi : Yes, I have.
drawntodesire :'s a pity. She's so pretty...
oldersisterdidi : Yes.
drawntodesire : Tell me, sister dear, was she still crying?
oldersisterdidi : Yes, but she is better now. I will need to wait for sometime before taking her, she is still too distraught .
drawntodesire : Ah, how unfortunate. Let it not be said that Desire has no sympathy, sister.
oldersisterdidi : Well, I shall make sure she knows of that then, dear sibling. However, I do think she would rather know of why he would do such a thing to her instead...
drawntodesire : I believe you will know that reason all too well...
oldersisterdidi : You do not wish to have me give her another reason?
drawntodesire : Would she believe you if you told her he accidentally fell on her and raped her?
oldersisterdidi : No, but you are full of wit. I just thought that perhaps you can help me in consoling her.
oldersisterdidi : Considering that you did play a part in this, do not lie to me, sister-brother.
drawntodesire : Pointless, dear sister. My work is done. There is nothing I can make her do.
oldersisterdidi : ...I suppose so.
drawntodesire : Besides, it was not entirely my doing, is it?
oldersisterdidi : You were the catalyst, the one who started it all. Tell me, must you make them suffer so?
drawntodesire : Without me, there can be no life. Humans will merely exist if they desire nothing. With me, they live.
drawntodesire : They come to me, sister dear, beautiful little puppets. Who am I to say no?
oldersisterdidi : You are Desire, just as I am Death. We merely do our parts according to them, the mortals. Remember, sibling, we are not their masters...
drawntodesire : How boring, echoing Dream time and time again...I tire of this.
oldersisterdidi : I simply think that he was right in this respect. Perhaps you should learn to listen to others instead of satisfying your petty whims.
drawntodesire : Petty, is it? However, I find them endless amusing. You coddle them too much, sister dear. You and Dream both.
oldersisterdidi : I find my coddling more reasonable than your cruel games, sibling.
drawntodesire : Ah, those are but perceptions...I can't have it if you enjoyed my games as much as I did, would I? It would be terribly unfair.
drawntodesire : However, sister dear, fancy a glass of Sauternes? 1787 vintage, terribly smooth.....
oldersisterdidi : I'll pass. It would merely taste bitter on my tongue this night.
drawntodesire : What a pity...mortals are all clamoring for just that little taste of the most expensive wine in the world, and yet you are rejecting that offer...
oldersisterdidi : I am not one of those mortals, sibling.
drawntodesire : Does she affect you that much, sister?
oldersisterdidi : It is not she that saddens me so, but it is you, dear sister-brother.
drawntodesire :
oldersisterdidi : Yes, you and your... lack of sympathy.
drawntodesire : I can do without that useless piece of emotion as well as your pity, sister...I have no call for it
oldersisterdidi : And I thought your realm is of passion, sibling.
drawntodesire : And where, pray tell, does sympathy and pity fall into my realm?
oldersisterdidi : Is sympathy not passion?
drawntodesire : Hahaha, dear sister, my realm is for those who desire. And desire is selfish; it allows no other emotion to impede...sympathy, unfortunately, has no place with me.
drawntodesire : Isn't it better this way? I play my games, and you feel sorry for them.
oldersisterdidi : Your ways disgust me.
drawntodesire : And yet.........
oldersisterdidi : Yet?
drawntodesire : Mm, no matter.....Del is with you, I presume?
oldersisterdidi : Sister-brother, I know of my own desires but I do hope you will not be so cruel to your own sibling.
oldersisterdidi : But yes, Del is with me. Happily enjoying her sugar cone, at the moment.
drawntodesire : Cruel, to my own sibling? Haha why would you think that...?
oldersisterdidi : Let us simply say, because of a past experience.
drawntodesire : Ah yes, our brother, you mean?
oldersisterdidi : Yes.
drawntodesire : You are of the Endless, sister dear, as is Dream. My games are not that cruel, if you know how to play it well. Besides, you should know that it can never happen.
oldersisterdidi : I have no wish for anything to happen, dear sibling.
drawntodesire : Then, my sister, you know very well that it will hurt less. I am not entirely without feeling.
oldersisterdidi : I was under the impression that you are...
drawntodesire : wound me so, sister....
oldersisterdidi : Then you should remember not to test my temper, sister-brother.
drawntodesire : Ah yes, the old threats time and time you never tire of it?
oldersisterdidi : I just wish that one day you will tire of hearing the same threats repeatedly and stop your games.
drawntodesire : What a lofty ideal, dear sister. What shall I do then to alleviate my boredom?
oldersisterdidi : Do your job well, sister-brother, do not try to control them.
drawntodesire : Try? Sister, I already control them. They cannot do without desire, in one form or another. It keeps them moving; it keeps them alive.
oldersisterdidi : Sibling! You are their slave, not their master!
drawntodesire : Perceptions.
drawntodesire : I am not a doll, sister.
oldersisterdidi : You think you are not. Quit your selfish fantasies, Desire.
drawntodesire : it will never happen.
drawntodesire : I will see you soon, dear sister. I have a few matters to attend to at the moment.
oldersisterdidi : I have no wish to see you, but perhaps Del might be interested in a meeting.
oldersisterdidi : Come to us anytime you wish.

desire, death, completed

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