Paradise - Paixao ... close enough? [Closed]

Jun 19, 2006 18:45

Character(s): Blue and Faye
Content: Blue wakes up outside the gate with extreme confusion. She spews her confusion to the banshee-screaming Faye.
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: The banshee-like Faye? :D *bricked*

When she woke it seemed like such a rush. )

faye valentine, niflheim, completed, blue

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Comments 13

yellowhotpants June 20 2006, 02:29:07 UTC
If Faye hadn’t known better, she would have thought that this was Earth. It seemed to foreign yet so familiar to her. Yet there were little things that reminded her that this was some place odd. The people were too stiff, and the men didn’t give her a second glance. It was more than a little disturbing ( ... )


halvedhowl June 23 2006, 18:38:58 UTC
((Sorry about my slow-ness~))

Blue couldn't help but sniff the area around, as indiscretely as possible. When she wasn't very discrete the first time people stared at her and called her crazy. No. Not dealing with the stupid intelligence of humans again.

Though that wasn't exactly true. Not all humans were stupid. Slaves to Jagara... slaves to Darcia... Bah. The Old Man was great, even though he wouldn't believe her about certain... things. And then that couple that wanted to go as far to Paradise as they could, just like Blue herself.

She wondered if they were here, too.

She snapped her head up and someone's crazy screaming. No one else really paid much attention to her for being crazy-like. Blue mumbled something in annoyance and then walked a careful, distant circle around the human and stopped on the complete other side of her, still with distance and mind. Careful"This place isn't a dump. It can't be. It's..." Tell a human the truth? Would she risk it? Maybe she was once a naive wolf who gave up her form in the old world ( ... )


yellowhotpants June 24 2006, 00:50:38 UTC
Faye abruptly stopped cursing out the non-existent Jet, ravaging on everything from his artificial limbs to his bald head to his banzai trees in her attack. She looked up at the woman rather surprised someone had come over to talk to her. Even if she had been screaming like a banshee.

Looking up at the woman, Faye could only stare.

She then burst out into laughter.

“You have GOT to be kidding me!” Faye gasped after a moment, “THIS? I don’t know what your definition of paradise is, but I assure you this isn’t it.” How could it be? There wasn’t a bar in sight.


halvedhowl July 3 2006, 03:00:52 UTC
Blue's hands curled a bit at her side. Definately no wolf. Maybe... no. No animal in her at all. She sighed, wondering why she even bothered with this being and glanced away, back towards the gates. "It...has to be."

What else could it be? Blue was supposed to be dead, after all.

She nodded to herself. This one just didn't know anything (though Blue herself was rather...lost). She felt her mind going in circles - maybe that was some side-effect to being human, but she didn't feel like thinking too much more into it.

Again she nodded, but with confidence. "Maybe it's your own definition of 'paradise' that's skewered. Though... this isn't quite what I would've thought it would be like, but the only other option this could be is... what the humans called... Heaven." Or the other one. But Blue seriously doubted she would've woken up there.


yellowhotpants July 4 2006, 21:35:54 UTC
Raising an eyebrow at the woman, Faye calmed her laughter. With a stretch of her arms over her head, Faye rose and placed a hand on her hip. "Look. This is just some backwater planet we've got dumped on for some reason or another. Everyone's got a story, you know," she said, glancing over the odd woman.

That is, until she heard the way she said human. It gave Faye a bad feeling. "And... what do you mean HUMANS? You look like one yourself, lady." In her confusion, Faye pushed out the idea that this could be heaven - or evel hell. She knew she wasn't dead. She remembered exactly what she had been doing before she ended up here, and she knew it had to be of Jet's doing. It had to be.

And now she was stuck with some insane person. Great.


halvedhowl July 5 2006, 04:55:51 UTC
Backwater planet? Then how would've she gotten here? That still wouldn't explain anything. She didn't have any story to back it up.

Blue looked over herself, a bit disgruntled. It was too... weird. Different. Sure, she had seen her own illusion before... but this was no illusion anymore and she wasn't sure what to do about it. "I didn't..." she thought about how exactly to choose her words, "use to be," she finished.


yellowhotpants July 5 2006, 05:07:44 UTC
"Didn't used to be?" Faye echoed, torn between amusement and confusion. She had to hear this.

Then again... maybe she shouldn't be too surprised. Her mind drifted back to Gren, remembering when she had found out he wasn't quite what he had appeared to be. People were full of surprises, whether they were completely what they appeared to be or not. You couldn't judge a book by its cover, or so they said.


halvedhowl July 5 2006, 06:01:31 UTC
Blue wanted to laugh, but she didn't. She kept an indifferent look across her face and simply stared at the other. She wasn't worried about the woman thinking her insane; she was worried if she started talking about wolves, then some Noble would drag her off. But... she hadn't seen any Nobles since she came in, or troops for that matter... so... what was the harm in talking? Ha. Socializing.

"That's right," Blue nodded. She held up a hand and stared down to examine it some more while she spoke. It all sounded so logical and well, a bit normal, to her. She didn't even think of how it may have come across to the other woman. "I was a wolf before I got here. I died as a wolf. And... I woke up outside the gates. As a... human." She wrinkled her nose in dislike and lowered her hand, looking back up blandly.


yellowhotpants July 5 2006, 23:55:35 UTC
Oh. So she was THAT kind of person. Faye had come across a lot of different things in her time as a bounty hunter, so she wasn't too surprised. She shrugged.

"Reincarnation, huh? I kinda think I would have been a cat, if I believed in that sort of thing," Faye smirked. She had kind of died once, hadn't she? And then she was brought back as debt with legs.


halvedhowl July 11 2006, 01:54:06 UTC
Reincarnation? That could've fit, Blue agreed. Though she wrinkled her nose and gave a small sniff at the air - barely even noticable - when the other suggested being a cat. Blue wondered what kind of death would've befallen her. Hopefully not as a brutal one. It made Blue still feel ill. But if the other had been a cat, surely she would've just died from being old, or more likely, getting in too more trouble for something she started to cause the trouble.

Blue never much liked cats. She was greatful that the Old Man didn't seem to either.

But the other definately didn't smell like a cat. Maybe a bit like perfume, and, well, human. And some other odd smells. But the perfume proved something a bit to her. She tilted her head. "What's your name?" She had to make sure she had stumbled over the right sort of information.


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