Character(s): Timon and Desire
Content: Entering Piaxao
Setting: Niflheim Gate [G10]
Time: Friday Afternoon
Warnings: Nakedness I suppose.
Timon was worried. It was very unlike Simba to leave for days on end (three to be exact) without a single word as of where he was going or when he'd be back...okay, so maybe it was, but the lion was at least in the jungle during those times and now, now he was no where to be seen.
The little meerkat and his friend, Pumbaa, the horrendously smelly, had cased out their entire jungle home looking for their friend in fear of the possibility that he may have hurt himself or was trapped under a fallen tree currently needing their aid. But regardless how hard they searched, there was no Simba to be found. This could only lead to two possible outcomes;
"Oh Pumbaa, our dear Simba, he's been kidnapped! We gotta save him!"
Tilting his head slightly, the warthog raised a brow at his companion whom was currently walking upon his snout. "Are you sure?"
Looking rather insulted, Timon placed both paws upon his hips wearing a frown. "Of course I'm sure! What other explanation is there?"
"Well..." Pumbaa began, "Maybe he went back to live with his pride."
"His what?"
"Pride: A group of lions that live together."
"I knew that." replied the redhead after a moment of silence. His arms dropped to his sides flimsily as he cast his gaze into the lush jungle, no direction in particular. "But...why?
His friend shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe they call it a pride because of-"
"No, no. Why would Simba leave us."
"Oh...I don't know."
Taking a seat, Timon tried to make sense of the concept of his friend leaving them. Maybe he was mad at them. But why? He didn't sound upset the last time they'd been together. Then again, he could have been hiding his feelings from them.
Tapping his finger on his chin thoughtfully he suggested, "Maybe it's your smell."
"HEY!" snapped the warthog giving an angry snort.
"I said maybe, Pumbaa." Taking another glance around, he hopped down from his friend's snout giving him a small smile. "I think I'm going to look for him again."
The two knew there was no Simba among them in this jungle (as well as you readers since it's been pointed out numerous times ;)) but it did not cause either of the pair to correct the statement. Pumbaa knew what was between the lines, and would have even without hearing the words.
Walking a fair distance from his friend, Timon collapsed once again, this time on a small rock.
Of course Simba wasn't kidnapped, he was big and strong enough to take care of himself. He proved that numerous times when him and Pumbaa would attempt to pull a prank upon him (some actually fooling the lion).
But if that wasn't the case, that only left one explanation, one Timon wasn't very fond of.
He scratched his head and yawned. Suddenly he was feeling rather tired. Perhaps it was the stress...or from the lack of sleep over the past days from worrying about his friend.
'Now is no time to take a nap! You gotta figure out why Simba-' A second yawn interrupted his thoughts. '-why he left-' Another yawn. '-and what I can...'.
The meerkat shut down, his lids no longer capable of remaining open and brain just to tired to think. Slowly, he curled up into a tight ball and fell into a deep state of sleep...
"Stop it, he's gunna know!"
Timon frowned. Something kept jabbing into his arm causing him to swat blindly around him to rid whatever it was to cause such discomfort. Laughter soon followed.
"Get back in line and leave that repulsive specimen alone!" scolded a new voice. The poking stopped after that.
Giving a groan, he gradually sat up and rubbed his soar eyes. What had that been about? Maybe it was his imagination. Shaking his head, he fully opened his eyes to have his jaw suddenly fall loose.
This wasn't the jungle. This wasn't his home! -were those humans?! Why was his finger up his nose?
Yes, they had to be! But what were they doing here? Or rather, what was he doing here? And again, why was his finger up his nose?
Pulling it out, Timon flicked the snot off of it to find yet another surprise awaiting him; pink, fleshy, hands. Not paws, hands.
Staring at the hand, the fingers twitched. Yes, it was his. did? This didn't make sense. What made his paw become thing? His eyes quickly darted to his second paw to find it too had become identical to his other. Slowly, his eyes traveled down to find a pair of fur-less legs, feet and oh so much more.
His hands flew to his face where he began to pat it down furiously. The shape was nothing familiar to him except for one feature: his ears. The same round, cupped feel to them resting at the side of his head. But this was hardly anything to feel relieved about because the rest of wasn't his. This wasn't his body.
Sitting in a state of both shock and realization, Timon responded to the situation the best way he knew how: throwing his head back and screaming.