
Jun 07, 2006 10:48

Characters: Captain Jack Sparrow,  Xigbar, Haku, Niwa Daisuke & anyone who wants to join :D
Content: Cap'n Jack Arrives in Paixao!
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: Monday2, morning
Warnings: None

When Jack Sparrow came to, all his limbs were aching, and he absently wondered if he had bounced off a mast instead of being caught safely by his men. They had done this millions of times before, and it made no sense that they would miscalculate now. Making a mental note to give the scurvy bunch o' fools a sound tongue lashing, he sat up with a groan. Okay. That hurt.

Parts of his body he never knew had existed hurt. What in the blazes did I land on??

And then he saw it.

Instead of the familiar sight of his much-cherished Black Pearl, all he saw was an enormous gate wreathed with silver ice. Jack Sparrow had been to a countless number of exotic countries in his life, but none had looked quite like this. Scratching his head as he surveyed the line that was in front of the large gate, the pirate quickly took in his surroundings, feeling a strange sense of deja vu creep over him. Had his new crew mutinied again?

But it wasn't possible; Anamaria, amidst the others, would never do that, and there were no treasure islands they were planning to plunder at this moment.

So what just happened?

...but first things first.

Patting himself down, Jack beamed when he finally located the one most important thing he could never live without. Rum, check.

Uncapping the bottle, he downed half it's contents before getting lazily to his feet, swaying as he did so. Ah, rum made everything right. Unfortunately, that was his last bottle; and if he wanted any more, he was going to have to look for it.

Deciding that he would be better off inside exploring - and that his supply of rum was running dangerously low - he swaggered over to where the booth was, and waltzed easily past the queue, ignoring the annoyed mutterings and glares of the people in the line. Heading straight to where a wide-eyed man in the booth was staring at him, he tipped his hat and whisked a brochure from the desk.

"Ahoy there!"

"Uh--Welcome to Paixao, sir."

Pie-Sao? That was a strange name indeed. He had never heard of this land; and he was damn sure that it wasn't anywhere on the map. Ah, but new lands were discovered everyday, were they not? And if Jack Sparrow had a chance to experience a new land before anyone else did, he sure as hell was not going to forego that pleasure. Who know what treasures lay within the gates?

"Name, please?" Yet another man just beyond the gate asked stiffly.

Giving him a swift once-over, Jack simply flashed him a roguish grin. "Me name's Smith, mate. Or Smithy, if you so wish." Ah, that brought back memories. Dear, sweet Interceptor.

He blinked as yet another pale-haired male shoved something decidedly alien-looking into his hands. "Here."

Staring down at it warily, he looked back up, getting ready to drop the blasted thing if it was some kind of device engineered to blow him to smithereens. "What be this, lad?"

Apparently not too pleased at the idea of being called a 'lad', he responded dryly. "It's an electronic journal. Everyone has it here."

Electronic journal? Miffed, he stared at the contraption in his hands, at a loss for the first time in his life. What did one do with this? Brightening, he stared down at the device again. He would poke and prod at it a little later, and if it didn't keep his interest, he was definitely going to sell it and get some rum and perhaps a bonnie lass's company in exchange. If he was lucky, he would probably get an entire caseful of rum out of this contraption.

Ah, this was shaping up to be one of the good days, indeed.

niflheim, niwa daisuke, haku, completed, xigbar, captain jack sparrow

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