the strong shall live and the weak shall die! [AIM/completed]

May 09, 2006 09:06

Character(s): Asuka and Soujirou
Content: Err two lost souls finding each other? x)
Time: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: Weirdness and Soujirou being a sneaky lying freak!

prinzessinasuka : what's anraku?
Anraku na boy : comfort~
prinzessinasuka : comfort... boy? that's weird
Anraku na boy : you think? Ahahaha ^-^ at least it isn't making assumptions about one's rank.
prinzessinasuka : and WHAT exactly are you trying to say??
Anraku na boy : ahaha, nothing. Sorry if it seemed like I had some sort of insult! I barely know you
prinzessinasuka : uh-uh! watch your mouth! anyway, point is, are you from japan?
Anraku na boy : Yes, I am from Japan. Are you, miss..?
prinzessinasuka : I was born in America, moved to German and then to Japan
prinzessinasuka : so yeah I'm from Japan, in a way
Anraku na boy : Ahhh. You are well traveled, then.
prinzessinasuka : i dont exactly go on travels, i just go there for business or life
prinzessinasuka : where in japan are you from?
Anraku na boy : Mmmm ~ we'll say Kyoto, recently.
prinzessinasuka : kyoto? which one?
Anraku na boy : which one? I wasn't aware there were more than one... ahaha ^-^ you must be far more learned than I as well.
prinzessinasuka : err kyoto-1 and kyoto-2?
prinzessinasuka : is your area flooded?
Anraku na boy : Ehh? Kyoto-1? Kyoto-2? Why would it be flooded?
prinzessinasuka : if it's flooded then it's kyoto-1
Anraku na boy : Unless it flooded within the past... eh~ three days, then I don't believe it was flooded. Though I've never heard to Kyoto as referred to by number before.
prinzessinasuka : okayyy, you never listen to the news huh?
Anraku na boy : ah? News? There hasn't been anything ... of notice in the news since the assasination of Okubo... ne?
prinzessinasuka : okubo? who's that?
Anraku na boy : You don't know who Okubo was? How long have you been out of the country?
prinzessinasuka : i was in the country for one year prior to coming here
Anraku na boy : so you might just be slow?
Anraku na boy : Ah... I see...
prinzessinasuka : who is he anyway?
Anraku na boy : ...ah, Minister of the Interior, didn't know you? Though, he isn't anymore...
prinzessinasuka : oh, i don't really care about japanese politicians
prinzessinasuka : they're powerless really, i've never heard them doing anything regarding the country's safety
Anraku na boy : you think? Though, if they were all eliminated... it seems like Japan might distress, a little.
prinzessinasuka : heh, nerv and the un does all the job! they dont even give us proper funding!
prinzessinasuka : it doesnt matter if they're just dismissed
Anraku na boy : ...Nerv? Un? Are those some sort of faction of the Ishinshishi?
prinzessinasuka : uhh no? nerv was from gehirn, un is... un
prinzessinasuka : oh, it's an acronym btw. N.E.R.V and U.N.
prinzessinasuka : you don't know them?
Anraku na boy : Gehirn? Ah, I have to admit to ... not knowing them at all.
prinzessinasuka : how come? you don't even know UN?
Anraku na boy : U.N.? If it is an acronym, I could guess
prinzessinasuka : what?
Anraku na boy : I don't know them, should I?
prinzessinasuka : doh, yes
Anraku na boy : ahahaha ^-^ well, forgive me then, for being ignorant.
prinzessinasuka : have you been living like a hermit, hiding in a forest somewhere?
Anraku na boy : maa~ hardly. I was in Kyoto the other day. I suppose it would be rude of me to ask you the same question.
prinzessinasuka : hmph!
prinzessinasuka : anyway, i was happy knowing you're from japan cause i thought that someone would know of my glory there! turns out you don't even know UN
Anraku na boy : Ahaha, well, forgive me again. If you have glory I should have heard about it, you're right. Perhaps, your glory is not the same kind as I am used to.
prinzessinasuka : hmph! i am Asuka Langley Sohryu! heard of me?
Anraku na boy : Asuka Langley Sohryu? I'm afraid not. Is Asuka your family name?
prinzessinasuka : nope, in japanese it would be Sohryu Asuka Langley
Anraku na boy : Sohryu.... maa. Did your father fight for the Shogunate?
prinzessinasuka : not as far as i know of... he's a nuclear scientist.
prinzessinasuka : what's shogunate anyway?
Anraku na boy : ... ah, we seem to be... having difficulty understanding each other. Nuclear...? Is this some other kind of acronym? Shogunate, certainly you have to know... perhaps, 'Shogun'? 'Ishinshishi'? ...Do you know of the Bakumatsu?
prinzessinasuka : ughhh nooo! gosh, i know im not a hermit, and you said you're not, either
prinzessinasuka : are our japans from different worlds?
Anraku na boy : ...different worlds? Ahaha, I have to confess again that you've confused me.
prinzessinasuka : i know paixao is a different world from earth
Anraku na boy : Ah, then it does make sense that we're not from the same place afterall. ^-^ how nice to know that one of us is not simply insane or slow.
prinzessinasuka : it's annoying tho! i thought i finally found someone from my world
Anraku na boy : my apologies, then, for having confused you.
prinzessinasuka : hrmmm. what... year are you from? scheiße! now im thinking weird stuff!
Anraku na boy : The fifteenth year of the Meiji Era.
prinzessinasuka : meiji? isn't that like the medieval age for japan or something?
Anraku na boy : ...medieval? Most would call it 'progressive', though... most would also ... ah. I would not call it medieval.
prinzessinasuka : uh-uh. im from tokyo-3, year 2015. dunno what era tho, it's AD
Anraku na boy : ... we count the years differently, as well, it appears. Perhaps it would be easiest to go by the most recent... event?
prinzessinasuka : uhh i honestly dont remember
Anraku na boy : On my end there was the Bakumatsu... the destruction of the shogunate and what I suppose are 'the old ways' and more recently the assasination of Okubo...
prinzessinasuka : the last event would be the 16th angel
Anraku na boy : ... 16th angel?
prinzessinasuka : rei self-destructed and the whole tokyo-3 as well as tokyo-2 were flat to the ground
prinzessinasuka : and then... oh wait a sec, there were the 13 eva units! yes! jssdf attacked nerv, that's the last event
Anraku na boy : Eva units? You've lost me again, unfortunately.
prinzessinasuka : uhmm i think i've heard the word bakumatsu before... revolution era?
Anraku na boy : Ah, yes. Close enough.
prinzessinasuka : that's wayyy back in the past! oh em gee... are you like historical??
Anraku na boy : .. ahaha, I wouldn't know, as it is my present. Oh em gee?
prinzessinasuka : hmm hikari would be sooo thrilled! what's your name? i'll tell you if you'll be famous or not!
Anraku na boy : Seta Soujirou, it's nice to meet you.
prinzessinasuka : meh nevermind, you're not famous
Anraku na boy : I would find it hard to believe that I would be famous. You have to do something... special... to be famous.
prinzessinasuka : you're in a way saying you havent done anything special
Anraku na boy : maa~ something like that.
Anraku na boy : Certainly nothing like you... ah, I'm sorry, what is your name?
prinzessinasuka : SOHRYU ASUKA LANGLEY
prinzessinasuka : how DARE you forget my name already!
Anraku na boy : Ahaha, I'm sorry, Sohryu-san. Your name ... has some extra letters I'm not familiar with.
prinzessinasuka : i'll let you call me langrey then, whatever you want. just call me asuka, anyway, i don't like the -san thingie, and should i call you seta or soujirou?
Anraku na boy : aah, Asuka-san.. then. Soujirou is fine.
prinzessinasuka : Soujirou, huh? hmm you kinda remind me of Shinji also, they both start with S and has J in them anyway...
Anraku na boy : Shinji? Is he an acquaintance of yours at Nerv?
prinzessinasuka : gah, im going weird. he's... an acquaintance yes
prinzessinasuka : he works for NERV too, like me
Anraku na boy : ...I see. I can't say that you remind me of anyone... maybe Kamatari-san. You are a girl, deshou?
prinzessinasuka : yup! what's deshou?
Anraku na boy : mm...deshou... You don't know much Japanese, then?
prinzessinasuka : i do know japanese, just that no one has ever said deshou before you and my mom never said deshou either. what is it?
Anraku na boy : Maa, the un-sure form of 'desu'.
prinzessinasuka : desu? mhmmmh, nevermind then. hehh... what have you been up to in paixao?
Anraku na boy : I just arrived recently, and have been trying to find my way around. This... place is very unique. I don't think the grass is real, though it does sparkle
prinzessinasuka : nope, the grass isn't real
Anraku na boy : Have you been in Paixao long, Asuka?
prinzessinasuka : are you in need for a bodyguard or something?
prinzessinasuka : a few days
Anraku na boy : ahahahaha, bodyguard? I'm sorry, no.
prinzessinasuka : uhmm you in need of anyone working for you?
Anraku na boy : I don't believe so. Did you say you could bodyguard? I'm impressed, Asuka-san.
prinzessinasuka : i have mastered any kind of martial arts and i have perfect aim with guns! i graduated from university at thirteen but i dont have any money, so i need some
Anraku na boy : You must be very smart, and talented. Do you use a sword?
prinzessinasuka : nope, either hand-to-hand or guns. oh, i use knives!
Anraku na boy : Ah, I see.
prinzessinasuka : you can defend yourself also, huh?
Anraku na boy : I use a sword, though I've hardly mastered anything.
prinzessinasuka : kendo?
Anraku na boy : Ah... no. Battoujutsu. I'm hopeless with a shinai.
prinzessinasuka : uhmm i have no idea what battoujutsu is... shinai is the wooden sword thingie, huh?
Anraku na boy : Yes, the wooden sword. Battoujutsu is more of a technique than a style. The sword is sheathed and then drawn quickly.
prinzessinasuka : uhh why not just have it drawn already?
Anraku na boy : ahahah, I have no idea
prinzessinasuka : what if you make a mistake when drawing it quickly and cut something off? o_0
Anraku na boy : ^-^ well, then I suppose you might die.
prinzessinasuka : right, you die. how long have you been learning it?
Anraku na boy : Maybe ten years, not that long.
prinzessinasuka : TEN years?? and you're still not a master?
Anraku na boy : ahahah. It takes practice, and they say that even the great Okita Souji took at least ten years to master the Tennen Rishin Ryu.
prinzessinasuka : tennen what?
Anraku na boy : Another sword technique.
prinzessinasuka : oh okay, and your technique is called battoujutsu?
Anraku na boy : Mmm, yes.
prinzessinasuka : how old are you?
Anraku na boy : Seventeen. And you, Asuka-san?
prinzessinasuka : 14. and that's asuka, not asuka-san. you're a boy right?
Anraku na boy : Yes, a boy. You're young, Asuka.
prinzessinasuka : dont underestimate me because of my age! im an adult already, you know!
Anraku na boy : I would never do that. You're strong, right?
prinzessinasuka : yes! age doesnt matter!
Anraku na boy : Then nothing else really matters, does it?
prinzessinasuka : i am one of the FOUR people who protect the world from the angels! and im not just saying physically, im not weak like my acquaintance shinji who gets all depressed because his daddy doesn't love lil shinji!
Anraku na boy : That's good. It sounds like your Shinji is better off dead.
prinzessinasuka : well, he can be kinda fun to walk over on, but im not missing him now that he's not here
prinzessinasuka : then again, he just lies down on the bed staring at the ceiling, so there's no difference between him dead or alive
Anraku na boy : Ah well, if he's as you say he'll be dead soon enough.
prinzessinasuka : why do you say that?
Anraku na boy : because it's inevitable, those who are weak die.
prinzessinasuka : hmph i think im gonna die before him though. what's really annoying is that he doesn't wanna live, but he lives.
Anraku na boy : why do you say that? You're strong, and the strong live.
prinzessinasuka : he's just so darn lucky
Anraku na boy : Luck has nothing to do with surviving.
prinzessinasuka : sometimes it does
Anraku na boy : ... not in my experience, though yours is undoubtedly different, Asuka-san.
prinzessinasuka : you live in a harsh world huh? the strong lives and the weak must die thing? it's like in the animal world o_0
Anraku na boy : It's how the world operates. Hardly harsh, in fact, it's rather simple. Ahahahahaha the animal world ahahahahahaha
prinzessinasuka : hmm tell me about yourself then! anything at all!
Anraku na boy : I like onigiri
prinzessinasuka : ooh i love it too! shinji makes really bad ones tho, tell me another thing!
Anraku na boy : ah~ why don't you tell me something about yourself?
prinzessinasuka : hmm i have red hair!
Anraku na boy : really? You must look like a female Himura-san
prinzessinasuka : himura-san? a friend of yours?
Anraku na boy : ahahahahahahahaha. Not at all.
prinzessinasuka : what? ultimate rival?
Anraku na boy : That would be Shishio-san and Himura-san
prinzessinasuka : and sishio-san is your friend?
Anraku na boy : Shishio-san is the strongest man in Japan.
prinzessinasuka : your friend?
Anraku na boy : Maa. Probably not
prinzessinasuka : soo this himura-san might be the strongest man in japan also?
Anraku na boy : We'll find out. I don't think Himura-san will ever make it to fight Shishio-san, though. He'll probably die before he gets there
prinzessinasuka : uhh so they're gonna fight to see who's stronger?
Anraku na boy : Something like that. Himura-san is fighting because he's mistaken, Shishio-san will correct his way of thinking.
prinzessinasuka : what's he wrong about?
Anraku na boy : Many things. Himura-san is... different.
prinzessinasuka : so am i right to call this himura-san your enemy?
Anraku na boy : If you want to. He's more of an obstacle than anything.
prinzessinasuka : i see. do you still live with your parents or do you make your own living?
Anraku na boy : My parents are dead. And you, Asuka-san? Do you live with your parents?
prinzessinasuka : nope, my mom is dead and my dad remarried so i used to live with him and his wife. then i moved to japan and stayed with misato and shinji
Anraku na boy : I'm sorry to hear that, about your family.
prinzessinasuka : you dont have to be sorry, i dont like them. sorry about yours tho
Anraku na boy : Ah, well, the weak are food for the strong. It was bound to happen.
prinzessinasuka : huh?
Anraku na boy : ahahahahahahaha nothing
prinzessinasuka : your family got killed by someone stronger than them?
Anraku na boy : ...Something like that
prinzessinasuka : okay... my mom died because she was weak, stupid also. she killed herself
Anraku na boy : Ah. The weak die. And the strong live.
prinzessinasuka : yup! so you work?
Anraku na boy : I have a duty.
prinzessinasuka : you get paid?
Anraku na boy : I acquire money for my job, but I wouldn't call it getting paid.
prinzessinasuka : you're doing something for the good of the world thing?
Anraku na boy : ahahahaahahahaha. Not at all. But you, are, right, Asuka-san? Saving the world from angels?
prinzessinasuka : yeah, what duty are you doing?
Anraku na boy : I am aiding Shishio-san.
prinzessinasuka : shishio-san is doing for something for the good of the world?
Anraku na boy : :)
prinzessinasuka : yes or no?
Anraku na boy : no
prinzessinasuka : so he's bad?
Anraku na boy : Some people say that. But I wouldn't take their word for it. People in general are bad.
prinzessinasuka : i wouldnt call myself good either
Anraku na boy : Good or bad doesn't matter that much, does it?
prinzessinasuka : I dunno, haven't been finding anything that matters lately
Anraku na boy : strength.
prinzessinasuka : it doesnt matter if you're alone
Anraku na boy : why would that matter?
prinzessinasuka (11:50:08 AM): ngg why would strength matter?
Anraku na boy : If you are strong, then you can survive.
prinzessinasuka : what's the point in surviving alone?
Anraku na boy : what do other people give you?
prinzessinasuka : uhmm don't you need friends?
Anraku na boy : why would you need friends?
prinzessinasuka : but dont you?
Anraku na boy : I haven't.
prinzessinasuka : I dunno, I practically grew up by myself but it would suck to be alone
Anraku na boy : Your world is different, Asuka-san.
prinzessinasuka : How?
Anraku na boy : Everything you say, is a bit confusing. I'm not used to it.
prinzessinasuka : I'm just asking why you don't think that companions are needed
Anraku na boy : I can see the advantage to people working together on something. The ... 'friendship', I'm afraid is a little harder for me to see the purpose to. As a option, then it makes sense. As a necessity?
prinzessinasuka : well, I dont need them for love and all those gooey stuff, just that if you're strong but there's no one to appreciate how strong you are, it doesn't matter right?
Anraku na boy : It matters if you're still alive the end of the day
prinzessinasuka : no it doesn't, i dont wanna be the last person alive on earth
Anraku na boy : ahahaha, that's an interesting thought.
prinzessinasuka : with how the war was going on back on my world, it's not really far-fetched
Anraku na boy : Ah. I don't believe the thought had ever ocurred to me. And if it comes down to that, then Shishio-san will be the last man on earth, not me.
prinzessinasuka : uhh well yea... uhm i'd rather die than be the last person on earth, but i dont really want to die, yno?
Anraku na boy : That could be arranged

... just joking
prinzessinasuka : o_0 you can't kill me
Anraku na boy : Are you saying you're stronger than me, Asuka-san?
prinzessinasuka : are you saying you're stronger than me?
Anraku na boy : I don't think I can say that until I've met you... and not over these... journals. But I have no intention of being killed by you, if we do meet.
prinzessinasuka : I have no intention of getting killed either, thanks
prinzessinasuka : what do you have against me anyway??
Anraku na boy : I don't have anything against you.
prinzessinasuka : good, so dont kill me
Anraku na boy : :)
prinzessinasuka : what do you do for a living anyway? you haven't really answered that
Anraku na boy : ... it varies.
prinzessinasuka : you do lots of stuff?
Anraku na boy : Yes.
prinzessinasuka : like what?
Anraku na boy : ... well, sometimes I kill people
prinzessinasuka : ???

seta soujirou, completed, asuka langley sohryu

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