Sorry this is SO epic late guys. I had it all done and... then lappy froze and I lost it and... blarrrrrgh. Epic fail.
BUT HERE IT IS. And April's AC will be up in a few days... just like always.
There were a lot missing this month. A big lot. D: A lot were on hiatus, but a lot weren't and a lot I'm not even sure about.
Always remember hiatus is an option if you're busy, but also even if you aren't up to snuff with all your characters, check in anyways! We've been pretty lax lately, and if you have a couple chars struggling... we'll pass you. We just want to see folks remember the AC above anything else. Tell us you're alive! XD That's all we really ask.
First we have characters that are active but failed to check in. Please check in next month guys!
Kanaria (borderline inactive)
Rikku (borederline)
Then we have characters that were inactive and failed to check in. Players of these characters will be hearing from us shortly.
Jenny (Hiatus still?)
There were also a lot who I think are on hiatus, but failed to post to the hiatus post.
This is the Hiatus post, guys. Pleaaaaaaaaase, if you are going to be gone more than a week, just toss a comment there. It only takes a minute. Tops.
We've been really nice and have been considering people on hiatus if they've only posted to the comm, but it can take a lot of digging to figure out who is and isn't on hiatus. Long hiatuses are hard to track this way. We don't want to make things difficult, but it would REALLY help us. Please try, guys? We'd appreciate it.