Mar 10, 2009 21:21

Hey everyone, new here~

I'm Wolfie, and I just got accepted for the horrifically scary yet oddly adorable Beast, from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. He's coming from the movie, before he even met Maurice.

He has his rose with him, (in its glass case, of course), but nothing else from the castle--so no worries about him seeing you with the magic mirror before you've actually met him. As always, he'll be really touchy about the rose, and without the mirror he's going to be very, very nervous to meet anyone new, especially when using the journal.

If you have any questions for me, my AIM is magnodragon, and my email is schamer.eric@gmail.com. I love getting bugged for random RP stuff, so please don't be shy, long as I don't have an away message on. I check my email often, and it can be just as fast to email me as to catch me on AIM.

Beast has an IC sn for himself as well, iflastpetalfalls. I want to keep it completely IC (if possible) so I don't get confused, so be careful which sn you send a message to. XD

I was in the ooc chat a few days ago, and in the crack chat too, and things look like they'll be really fun here. I can't wait to really get started!

Anyone want to join Beast for his first log at the Vanaheim gate?
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