Salaheem Sentinels: /// Recuitment II

Jan 22, 2008 01:58

There's quite a few new people wandering thrrrough these gates of the city, so it only seems prroper to point out the opportunities available to ya lot. I'm President Naja Salaheem and I run a little group called the Salaheem Sentinels; mercenaries doing what needs to be done, some of which being what this city can't seem t'do for itself. I'm situated with the gypsies in Carta Para Ti if you wish to meet with me face to face, or there's always the journals, I'm generally an easy kitten to get in touch with.

I do pay for a job well done, but ya gotta handle havin' a rank slapped alongside yer name. Beginners start out as Private Second Class an' work their way up.

Mind you, jobs might be a bit limited 'til something rrreal comes up, but if I don't have any Sentinels when that time comes, then what's a mithrrra like myself to do?

What I want is people who can get a job done an' listen to what I gotta say without question, got it? No slackers, no cocky self-centered fellas!

now recruiting mercenaries

…tch, and if you are too weak, I’ll just hire you to do my paperwork.

Location: Carta Para Ti
Note: If the gypsies even brush you off, then we have problems. As in, don't even bother!

-President Naja Salaheem of the Salaheem Sentinels

prinny squad, naja salaheem, death (disk world), salaheem sentinels, vyers (mid-boss)

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