
Sep 28, 2011 23:07

[a very tired, but cheerful-sounding Doctor sounds off. He sounds older now, more wearied than he did before, but he's making an effort to keep the majority of it out of his voice]

Right, then! Hello, everyone. Sorry I've been out for so long, but somebody decided it would be a good idea to try and blow me up, among other things. And I see it's snowing! Not that I couldn't see it where I was, at least until I was blindfolded, but I love snow! That's brilliant. Only how's it falling beneath the domes? That's something. I might have to poke it with a stick.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you all doing? And Roxas, don't think I've forgotten about you. If you're ready, I can help as soon as I recover.

timon, sora, cogsworth, jenny, zidane tribal, blue, rinzler, urd, priere, the doctor (eleventh), xion, the doctor (tenth)

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