[Voice] On a lookout for answers.

Jul 21, 2011 16:47

[An alto male voice speaks nervously]

Is this thing on?

Oh. Haha, nevermind ( Read more... )

belle, hei, shenzi, squall leonhart

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[voice] maybeimaleon July 22 2011, 17:52:37 UTC
No one knows where it is, really.


Re: [voice] clashingtactics July 22 2011, 19:39:46 UTC
I know this isn't anywhere near Tokyo, or the country of Japan for that matter.

What I can't seem to understand is that I traveled a very long way by only taking two steps forward. It's all very unsettling. [Maybe Yin's somewhere around this city, he hopes. Off screen, he walks as he speaks into his journal, searching for her. Maybe this guy has seen her?]

Sir? If you don't mind my asking, have you seen a pale blind girl with silver hair, tied back? Her name is Kirsi. She's a friend of mine that shared an apartment with me for a while. We were together before I found myself in a line leading into a gateway of sorts.

[Kirsi, Yin's former name. Must be careful. Hei's not sure if there are any Syndicate agents around here or not. They couldn't be capable of locating so quickly, when he had gone by unnoticed the last few days. There's no connection between Paixao and what he used to be a part of. Not to his knowledge... For those 15 years he's been with that organization, he's never heard of the place.]


[voice] maybeimaleon July 23 2011, 04:42:06 UTC
We all did, basically. Something brought us here.

[There's a pause as he thinks over the people he's seen in the city. Silver hair, he's seen. Blind girls, not so much.]

I haven't. But she might been here, I guess?


Re: [voice] clashingtactics July 23 2011, 05:22:11 UTC
You mean something kidnapped us?

['Might have been here' doesn't give him much to go on, but he refuses to give up and think she may already be dead. Her ability has evolved recently, so it may be harder for the Syndicate to track her--for now.]

Where do I contact the authorities? The map's not helping me much. If I could fill in a missing person's report... [Actually, Hei doesn't plan on doing that. He's just wondering what the justice system is like. If there is one. The civilians either ignore him or look at him nervously.]


[voice] maybeimaleon July 23 2011, 18:00:19 UTC
You don't.


[voice] clashingtactics July 23 2011, 18:34:47 UTC
We can't trust the police?


[voice] maybeimaleon July 23 2011, 18:59:54 UTC
There are no police.


[voice] clashingtactics July 23 2011, 19:29:56 UTC
[Hei might have guessed as much.] Really? Then, I guess it's no wonder why these other people are skittish around me.

The crime rate must be high if there's no one enforcing laws.

[Might be stepping into dangerous, unfamiliar territory. Not a problem for him, because he'll find the means to adapt and survive. It's what he'd been trained to do. But for Yin...she's just a tracker. Instead of dwelling on worry, he must stay focused.]


[voice] maybeimaleon July 23 2011, 19:38:55 UTC
Not really. The natives aren't really that kind of person.


[voice] clashingtactics July 23 2011, 20:02:21 UTC
How different are they, aside from having all the same hair color?


[voice] maybeimaleon July 23 2011, 20:05:57 UTC
It's hard to explain.


[voice] clashingtactics July 23 2011, 20:35:03 UTC
[awkward smile, not missing a step to sound friendly] Well, in other words I might have to figure that out on my own.

You sound like you've been here a while... Are you from elsewhere?


[voice] maybeimaleon July 24 2011, 01:29:05 UTC
I'm from Balamb.

[Well, Balamb Garden, technically, but that usually leads to more explanation than he wants to get into right now.]


[voice] clashingtactics July 24 2011, 03:38:57 UTC
Can't say I've heard of it. [Hei ponders where on Earth that could be but comes up short. He's done some traveling in his lifetime and cannot recall any place named Balamb in his world. Hmn. He's got a feeling that this is getting weirder and bigger to comprehend...]

...Has anyone ever found their way back to where they're supposed to be? [A good time to ask this, just to keep in mind on what obstacles there are to watch out for.]


[voice] maybeimaleon July 24 2011, 21:03:29 UTC
Yeah. But they don't stay long enough to say how.


[voice] clashingtactics July 24 2011, 22:09:11 UTC
Why's that sir?


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