[not meant to be a modern day parallel]

May 06, 2011 20:28

Dear Current and Hopefully Future Patrons of the Golden Turtle,

I was recently introduced to the wonderful event known as a tea party. Being so delighted by it, I decided to host one of my own!


I realize that there are many issues at hand within the city of Paixao, but we must remember to tend to our families and friends as much as we tend to our gardens. Come to the Golden Turtle and relax your nerves from stress. I have a collection of games available in the shop. I may even extend a challenging game of Pai Sho against any patrons. There may yet be a prize!

I hope to see you there!

megara, yzma, iroh, kakyuu, the mad hatter, toph bei fong, belle, urd, jecht, the doctor (eleventh)

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