Jan 23, 2007 22:29
...or that's what I overheard my manager telling another employee yesterday. A few minutes later a guy walked in looking to get a fruit salad but they all had mangoes in them and he had never had them before. I told him they were my favorite. "I don't really like to try new things" was his answer. That is too damn bad. I wanted to laugh about it with my manager but she didn't get the coincidence. Turns out I had misheard her.
There is too damn much going on for me right now. My day is jam packed with so much that I find to be a learning lesson, never mind that most of my day is at a new job and I spend all my time there learning the ropes of the place. I spend the rest of my day at Shakti or on my own trying to think up really prophetic shit. Never mind trying, I just can't help thinking about my life my life my job me my thoughts and the meaning. ugh. And to top it all off I come home and my myspace has been hacked. That just devastated me. j/k :):):)
I don't know when all this information gets processed and where it goes. My brain hurts right now and I'm hoping its growing pains or sore from the exercise. The two things I feel like I need are to write and to take some time to just lay down and not do shit. Just relax and close my eyes. That would be nice.
Yesterday I enrolled in "Basic DJing and Mixing". Uh-huh, that's right. And I get to take the class for free. I offered to trade service service and they took up my offer! So now all I have to do is clean up around their office (which doesn't look too bad) and I start class in February! I'm so excited, everyone at the school seems really nice. They also emphasized that I come by and hang out even if I don't plan on cleaning that day and I really appreciated that. (The class takes place in that same office as an internet radio station. see twelvez.com/sdti )
My original plan was to take a part time job so I can volunteer on the side in fields that I want to explore working in. Problem is that now I have too much stuff taking up my non-working time that I don't know when the volunteering is going to happen. I should be freed up after all the cleaning is done. I dunno. Is it time to grind? I guess so. How exciting and scary too. I think having the creative outlet is really going to help. I haven't even started yet and I am full of self doubt and criticism. phew. I just need to clean the office first. Much <3
PS: G-funk, your Jay-zed subject line killed.
PPS: When I filled out my enrollment form for the DJ class there was a section that asked for my DJ name. I akes if I could fill that in later cause I wasn't ready to pick a name. The guy helping me out was like "oohh, don't worry. Someone's gotta give that to you." Cool, huh?
mixmaster b,
electric relaxation,