got a laugh out of this

Sep 01, 2005 03:26

You Know You're From Citrus County When...

-when there's nothing to do, you hang at the "Big Tent".

- the "radioactive beach" is a place you've been to and had a good time at.

- you don't like Black Diamond, but you desperately want to have a friend who lives there.

- Mike Hampton and Ted Williams are no big deal.

-you leave the county to go shopping.

-you can accurately state which gas station in the county carries the best coffees.

-the only exciting topic of conversation is the new Spencer’s at the mall.

- you actually get excited when you pull onto 19 from 41 and see all the "city lights".

-when a parking lot is known as a hangout.

- you’ve been to Super Wal-Mart at least once at 2am.

- you know at least 3 people who work at the power plant.

- you're sick of new people always saying how much better it is on the outside (we know).

- you Personally know a cop from either Citrus County Sheriffs or Crystal River Police.

- you had and/or attended birthday parties at the Roller Barn.

- you were excited when citrus was on MTV for their prank and ashamed that we've been made fun of twice on the Daily Show.

- you were forced to take an agriculture class in middle school.

- Tampa is not far away and it’s perfectly acceptable to drive there for anything.

- you know people and or have attended at least one class CFCC.

- at least two of your friends works at a Publix.

- Denny’s is a mighty fine place to be at 2 in the morning.

- you know the exact time your power was out during the hurricanes.

- driving around aimlessly is an ok waste of time.

- you know at least three kids who dress like thugs and listen to country music.

- manatees just annoy you because the rest of the world thinks there so damn cool.
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