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Nov 01, 2004 20:40

well this weekend was DA SHHIIIIT! i had a lOt of fun...well saturdaii 4rm mii cOusins h0use we were juss there chillen den lik at 8 i left hOme nd we started gettin readii fOr a cOstume partii..i went dressed as a hawaiin girl..lOl..theres pics up..www.picturetrail.com/xopaisaox well then mii mOm decides tO gO tO her friends cuz shes selling clOthes nd den she cOmes baq lik at 9:3o nd den we were gettin readii we left at 11:3o arOund there..then we went tO sandra's casa nd met up with her eduardO nd daniel nd den me nd sOnia left with the PIMPED OUT CAR lOl yea it was madd fun i <3 dem! sO da partii was like arOund miller sO w/e da partii was Ok wasnt such big shit but just being with these ppl was da shit..started sOme prOblems with sOme biatchez but w/e lOl it was fOnni thO..[lmaO]sO then we left lik at 3 nd den went tO lOs perrOs nd dat was PACKED every1 was in their cOstumes..it was sUper coOl sO w/e we're there eating and then ruben shOws upp...:o i was in shOck lOl..sO he came said hii nd left and then we left tO drOp off mii cOusin nd den tO mii hOuse nd we juss chilled there till lik 5 nd den knOcked Out...

Sundaii wOke up late..nd den we we gOt readii tO gO tO the beach wOw BIG mistake! damn yO but tO get readii was lik 2 hOurs den we went tO meet up with daniel nd den tO hOme depOt and dat was anOther 2 hOurs nd den dey decide at 1:3o tO gO tO hOllywoOd...yea..sO i was piised but w/e cuz they atleast didnt wanna gO lik always tO miami beach + dat was gOnna b packed..but w.e Over there in hOllywoOd it was SUPER windy nd kinda clOudii..bad idea tO gO ..sO we juss went tO eat shit toOk sOme crazziii ass pics..lOl =] nd den we left at 5 nd gOt tO heree like at 7:oO sO we went tO buy sOme chinese nd den we went hOme nd ate nd den i gOt readdi steffi had called me up 2 gO tO garden hills sO i toOk a shOwer gOt readi nd left at 8 BIGGEST MISSION tO find these ppl....mii mOm was gettin sO piised at mii cus I didnt even knO where i was..lOl..until gabriel gOt on the fOne cus SOME1 cant give directiOns 4 shiitt [cOugh cOugh justine cOugh cOugh] sO yea he ran 2 mii car. cus we had pissed dem sO yea den we were juss chillen nd den everyOne split up sO it was jsutine steffi gabriel alex henry luis nd me..sO steffi had tO gO hOme nd den alex toOk us nd den we wanted tO Go tO BK sO we went...sOme of dem ate nd den w.e after we went baq 2 G.H. nd den chilled there a while den justine left den dey stayed waitin 4 mii mOm tO pik me up den i went hOme nd knOcked Out..

tOdai i didnt even FEEL lik gOin tO skoOl..but w.e 1st was str8 as fuck...3rd was w.e...nd 5 was w.e...after skOol went tO da dentist nd was there 4 AWHILE mii teeth hurt..damn yO i cant wait tO get these shits OFFF! grr! q mamera! sO yea dats all!! cant wait till saturdaii!!
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