One Leaf, First Cup of Ginseng ❧ Action

Sep 01, 2010 12:50

[Unlike most new feathers who arrive bright eyed, and bushy tailed and generally confused, annoyed, or perhaps even scared this old man sleeps. Paddling back to ship with his nephew sleeping on the small raft was hard work and all, and the wind wasn't going to take them all the way.
So in the forest he sleeps, head resting on a raised root. Iroh's snore can probably be heard from a ways away. Dare you wake a sleeping man?

Edit: Iroh's got this nifty little permissions post over here, which I don't think will be too much of a big deal, but it's there.]

✿ sokka, ✿ sheik, ❁ amaterasu, ❀ katara, ✿ link, ❀ terra, ❀ san

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