The Girl and The Bodyguard II Chapter Eight

Jul 10, 2013 13:21

Title; The Girl and The Bodyguard
Fandom; The O.C.
Pairing; Ryan/Summer. Hints of Luke/Taylor.
Rating; M
Warnings; Alternative Universe
Summary; After the disappearance of Marissa Cooper has everyone in Newport worried about the safety of their own children, Neil Roberts decides to hire a bodyguard to watch over his daughter, Summer Roberts. Summer instantly dislikes Ryan Atwood but that will soon change as the two begin to discover the truth about one another.
Author's Note; I wanted to get another chapter out before I go on holidayyy! :) Some cuteness in here that actually wasn't plan but this is more of Part 1, next chapter continues on! :)

Chapter Eight
Palm Springs! Summer was going to be spending the next three days in Palm Springs with Ryan Atwood! And her father. How was she supposed to keep her hands to herself now?

Though the more she thought about it, the more she realised it was probably going to be ridiculously easy since Ryan wouldn’t even look at her. Her father had told her to bring along Taylor and Seth and she was so darn thankful for that. She couldn’t stand the idea of being alone in Palm Springs, her father no doubt ignoring her for some new woman in his life - he hadn’t said he was bringing anyone but he always sprung this kind of thing on her. In the past she had been hopeful that a trip away would mean quality time with her father and she was always sorely disappointed to find some other woman along for the ride.

She had headed straight upstairs without another word to her father and a quick glance at Ryan who was looking at the floor, avoiding her gaze. She rang Taylor first; sure that Seth would probably be getting laid with the waiter or something. Taylor squealed and asked if she could bring Luke, Summer hoped that this would mean Ryan might be a little more relaxed around her if Luke came, they had a lot more in common then he and Seth did, plus she really liked Luke. Summer really needed to talk to someone about this whole Ryan thing; it was really starting to mess with her head. She was going to have to talk to Taylor at some point in the next few days.

As it turns out, Seth was not getting laid or even with the waiter who was apparently history now, something about the restaurant owner, Summer hadn’t really been paying attention. She had, of course, asked him how he was feeling about the situation but Seth appeared to not care very much at all which meant that he was perfectly happy to tag along to Palm Springs with them. This meant there was going to be the five of them in the car. God, help me, she thought.


When Summer woke up the next morning, the only thing she was slightly excited about was having a little girly weekend away with her best friends and yes, that did include Seth. The guy loved getting a face mask. She was prepared for a few days of being completely ignored by Ryan, she had prepared herself all evening and in fact, whilst she was packing wasn’t even considering what he might like. Usually when she got ready, she wanted to look mature and sexy, something to make him want her but this time she figured it was pointless.

Until she heard a slight knock on her door. Taylor wasn’t expected for another two hours and even Taylor, who had a thing for spontaneously turning up early, wasn’t going to be that early and Seth would never get out of bed this early. She couldn’t remember the last time her father even set foot in her room. Was it Ryan?

Oh god, is he going to tell me that I have to stay away from him for the entirety of the trip? That his job was far more important than she could ever be? Of course, his job is important… She sulked a little, she was well aware how important his job was, she just hoped that she was important too…

She opened her door and found Ryan on the other side, he looked a little sheepish and Summer couldn’t help herself but find him completely and utterly adorable. He looked so nervous.

“Hey. Can I come in?” Summer, lost for words for what seemed like the first time in her life, nodded and stepped aside. She hastily closed the door after in case her father was nearby. She turned to face him, he seemed to be contemplating something judging from the look on his face. Summer shrugged. She didn’t have time for a rejection.

“So, what did you want-?” She was completely cut off and taken by surprise as Ryan pushed her against the back of her bedroom door, one hand at her waist, the other cupping her face. Summer responded almost immediately, running her hands through his hair, messing it up the way she liked it. Ryan broke away and took a few steps back.

Summer had not been expecting that, she wasn’t expecting the ridiculously happy grin that was plastered on his face either. Is he blushing?

“Sorry. I just…” He stopped, this wasn’t what he had planned. “I was coming here to tell you that we had to stop but…one look at you and I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.” Summer, now grinning herself, took a few steps closer to him, placing both hands on each side of his waist and pulled him in.

“Please. Don’t ever be sorry for that.” She half-whispered as she leaned in to kiss him again.


Ryan was currently loading up the car when Luke appeared by his side, Ryan couldn’t have been more relieved when Summer had told him that Luke was coming along. He really liked the guy even if they did disagree on football teams.

“How you doin’ man?” Luke said, holding his hand up, Ryan met it with his own. He grinned. Seth was funny and all but sometimes he was just…too girly. And whiny, he had come to notice.

“I’m good, you?” Luke laughed.

“I’d be better if I wasn’t being dragged to fucking Palm Springs!” Ryan chuckled and grabbed yet another of Summer’s bags, placing it in the boot of the car.

“Not a fan?”

“You got that right. I swear if Taylor wasn’t promising to bang-…well, anyway, I don’t know how you can stand being dragged around with Summer all the time. She’s worse than Taylor. All that girly shopping and stuff.” Ryan shrugged. He’d only been dragged around the shopping centres a few times by Summer which had been rather painful but at least he was getting paid for it.

“She’s not too bad. I just think of the money.” Luke grinned.

“At least there’s an incentive for you. Though I guess I get sex.” Ryan felt his face warming up a little. If you only knew.

Taylor and Summer stepped out, each with another bag in their hands, Seth was trailing behind them with a bag of crisps he’d likely stolen out of Summer’s fridge, munching away.

“Really, Taylor? More? We’re going for like three days!”

“Oh hush baby, besides one of my bags in full of some new lingerie I picked up.” Seth began making gag noises, Summer looked a little disgusted and Ryan was just a bit embarrassed. He headed over towards Summer.

“Are they always this…open?” He asked, leaning in towards her. Summer let out a tiny giggle which Ryan couldn’t help but find so cute.

“This is nothing. I’ve heard where they’ve had sex and the positions before. Its erm…its gross.” She laughed as Ryan shivered. He wasn’t particularly thrilled at the idea of hearing about his friends sex life, though he couldn’t help but get images in his head of all the types of positions he could do with Summer. She seemed to be thinking the same as Ryan noticed her eyes were glazed over, her hand reaching towards his.

They were quickly reminded where they were and more importantly, who was there when Seth began complaining that it was taking too long to leave. They quickly got into the car, Ryan offering to drive and Luke sitting up front whilst Seth, Taylor and Summer were in the back. Seth began complaining about lack of leg room.

“Well, don’t be so tall then!” Taylor retorted back. Seth let out a sarcastic laugh.

“Yes, Taylor because I can really control how tall I grow, you know-“

“COHEN!” Summer screeched just as Seth was going to begin his long-winded speech. He promptly shut up. It was widely known that when Summer last named you with an angry tone then you shut the hell up, for your own safety.

After a few moments silence with nothing but the radio in the background which seemed heavy on the bubble-gum pop and light on the actual decent music, Luke spoke up.

“So Ryan, what do you think of Newport?” Ryan shrugged, he was only half listening to Luke as he drove them out of Orange County.

“Its good. The views are nice.” Instantly without warning he had flashes of Summer last night, one leg hook around him, moaning in his ears. Christ, now he was hard. Shit. “I mean, erm…the beach and stuff…its er…pretty?” Pretty? Get your shit together Atwood. Luke laughed.

“The beach is class. Do my run every morning on the sand, what could be better than that?” Luke replied and Ryan nodded in agreement. He glanced up at the rear view mirror to find Summer flipping through her phone, not paying attention to the conversation.

“A lot of things actually.” Seth piped up. Ryan was sure he’d fallen asleep thirty minutes ago. “Punk music. Skateboarding. Hair straighteners. Dick.” Ryan and Luke glanced at one another.

“You lost me at the hair straighteners, Cohen.” Luke replied. Taylor was quietly laughing to herself. Seth was such a girl’s girl and Luke and Ryan were so…manly.

“Anyway.” Luke continued. “You hooked up with a newpsie yet?” Luke winked and Taylor already didn’t like where this conversation was going. Ryan looked confused which already felt like a feeling that was overstaying its welcome today.

“What the fuck is a newpsie?” He could hear Taylor grumbling in the back and just glanced at Luke in time to catch him eye rolling her.

“It’s a rich Newport mom that does nothing with her day but spend money and have sex with lads ten, twenty years younger than them.” Summer piped up not looking up from her magazine. Ryan hadn’t even realised that Summer was listening and now he and Luke were having a conversation about him hooking up with a newpsie. This wasn’t good.

“No. I don’t think I’ve even come across a…newpsie.” Ryan wasn’t having a little trouble registering this term. Newport kids were weird.

“You’ve been in Newport how long and you haven’t seen in a newpsie yet, oh boy are you lucky! The place is fucking crawling with them!” Ryan couldn’t help but chuckle and he instantly regretted the next few words out of his mouth.

“So, have you hooked up with one of these newpsie things.”

“Things.” Seth repeated, laughing to himself. Luke’s face fell a little as he glanced at Taylor. Ryan looked at her through the mirror and noticed a severely pissed off look on her face. Oops.

“Er, yeah. I sort of had a thing with Julie Cooper-Nichol.” Luke replied in a quieter voice than usual.

“Who’s Julie Cooper-Nichol?” She has a double barrelled name, must be someone important. There was a silence drawn across the car as everyone slightly shifted, even Seth who had stopped chuckling to himself at this point.

“She’s Marissa Cooper’s mom.” Taylor replied softly. Ryan glanced at Summer through the mirror, she was looking out of the mirror, her hair slightly lifting with the wind, her magazine completely abandoned on her lap. How could he have not made the connection? He scolded himself. Stupid, stupid.

The ride towards Palm Springs was a little quieter after that conversation though picked up as they got nearer as Seth began to, rather out of tune, sing along to something on the stereo.


They were just waiting in the lobby for their room keys, Summer had spotted her father with - no surprise - another woman, he nodded at his daughters friends and kissed Summer on the cheek before telling her about dinner reservations. At least he still wants dinner with you, I guess.

“Ryan, I’ve put you in an adjoined room with Summer so you can still protect her, just to be safe.” Ryan nodded. Adjoined rooms!? Summer almost felt giddy as her father told the news. “Taylor and Luke you’re sharing and Seth you can be in the adjoined room unless Seth and Luke want to share…” Summer’s dad suggested much to Taylor and Summer’s entertainment. Luke on the other hand was not so entertained.

“What do you say Luke, you swing the way your dad does?” He asked, teasingly until Luke death glared him. Seth promptly stopped and went in search for his room.

“So… Adjoined rooms, huh Atwood?” Summer said quietly as they stepped into the elevator. Ryan couldn’t help but smile a little. He’d given up trying to tell himself to stay away, he knew where he would be spending his nights whilst he was here, that was if Summer was still up to it of course.

“Adjoined rooms indeed, Roberts.” He grinned. Is he flirting with me? He’s so cute when he tries to flirt. “Cute? That’s the best you could do?” Crap, has she said that out loud? “Not, drop-dead gorgeous, handsome, smouldering?”

“Smouldering?” Summer asked in fits of laughter. Ryan laughed along, stepping out of the elevator in search for their rooms.

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I can’t help my charm and sexy good looks.” Summer raised her eyebrow, not hiding the fact that she was shamelessly looking him up and down, checking him out.

“Sexy is most definitely the word I would use.” Ryan was just moving closer towards her, completely forgetting his whereabouts when - thankfully - Seth appeared.

“Whats up, Cohen?” Summer asked, a little annoyed judging from her slightly sharp tone.

“I don’t want to share with Taylor and Luke. I can already hear them shagging. Its vom-inducing.”

“Shagging? How very british of you.” Summer retorted. “Deal with it Cohen. I am not sharing my precious bed with you and your dodgy curls.

“Ryan?” Seth grinned, suggestively. What?

“If anyone is going to get into Atwoods bed, it’s going to me!” Summer cut across, Ryan almost exploded when he realised that Summer was joking (supposedly) and Seth seemed unfazed by the comment. Seth pouted.

“You could at least share.”

“Get out of here, Cohen!” And with that Seth stalked away, arms folded like a five year old.

Summer turned to look at Ryan, he was wearing a rather smug face. Something Summer wasn’t accustomed too. He opened their hotel room and lead Summer inside.

“Sharing your bed, huh Roberts?” He grinned, leaning in for a kiss.

“Damn straight, Atwood.” Summer replied, returning it.

pairing;luke/taylor, fic;the girl and the bodyguard, fanfiction, pairing;ryan/summer, fandom;the oc

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