The Girl and The Bodyguard II Chapter Three

Apr 06, 2013 00:34

Title; The Girl and The Bodyguard
Fandom; The O.C.
Pairing; Ryan/Summer
Rating; M
Warnings; Alternative Universe
Summary; After the disappearance of Marissa Cooper has everyone in Newport worried about the safety of their own children, Neil Roberts decides to hire a bodyguard to watch over his daughter, Summer Roberts. Summer instantly dislikes Ryan Atwood but that will soon change as the two begin to discover the truth about one another.
Author's Note; Drama, drama, drama! This is where the story really starts!

Chapter Three
If there was ever a time to ever get wasted. Tonight was the night! It was the beginning of Spring Break and although Summer and Marissa had originally planned to head up to TJ to party (Taylor had refused and instead was heading out to Paris with Luke for a few days) she cancelled those plans as soon as Marissa disappeared. She didn’t feel like partying on the holiday without her. However, she did feel like partying with all the guys from school, Summer Roberts and a bottle of vodka had been parted for far too long. As for Seth, who knows what Seth ever did in Spring Break, go to Comic Con?

Summer headed out of her room into the kitchen, she had discovered in the last few weeks that if she ever needed to find Ryan all she needed to do was head to the gym or the kitchen. When he wasn’t stalking her himself of course. She’d found him in the gym a couple of times, breaking a sweat, Summer hadn’t thought she’d seen a more beautiful sight. And hot. Totally hot! She was overwhelmed by how attractive she thought it was. Well, duh she found the guy attractive of course - she wasn’t blind! The man also infuriated her with his stalking tendencies. Ryan argued he was not stalking her, he was doing what her father paid him to do but it was all the same to her.

“Ryyyyyannnnnnnn!” Summer called out in a rather whiny tone. She’d used it on him several times just because she saw how much he shuddered whenever she did it. It seemed in the last few weeks as they got to know one another; Summer rather enjoyed pushing the young man’s buttons. Ryan groaned, he was just making himself a cup of English Tea when he heard her little whine. He was sure she knew how much he hated it she probably played It to her advantage. He let out a little grumble and was just about to let her know where he was until she came strolling in.

“Oh of course, you’re in the kitchen. Original.” She grinned, he gave her a half-assed smile back and took a sip. Summer watched him quietly. Surely, it would taste a little better with a drop of vodka in it? Christ, now she was starting to sound like Marissa…

“To what do I owe this pleasure? You need to go to the Mall again?” Ryan quipped. He had given up being polite towards her, besides he was pretty sure that she actually preferred it when he gave it to her back. She liked someone to be sarcastic too, someone who was going to be just as bad towards her, he could tell she liked it by the little smile she gave out whenever he did something exactly like that. Though she always made it disappear as soon as she realised what she was doing.

“Ha, whatever Atwood. I’m going to a party.” Ryan took another sip of his tea.

“Okay. What time?” Summer laughed, was he being serious?

“What are you, my father? I’m heading out of here at ten or something and then I’ll head back, whenever I want to, kay?” Summer flipped her hair and rested on hand on her hip, she raised her eyebrows. That most certainly was not a question. Ryan rolled his eyes. He sighed.

“How many times are we going to do this, Summer? I am here to protect you! It’s my job and you’re going to have to accept this sooner or later. It’ll make my job a hell of a lot easier.” He grumbled. Summer scoffed.

“Well, I’m not here to make your job easier. You get paid - I don’t see me getting paid for allowing you to invade my privacy and stalk me!” She was frustrated now; she always was when she was reminded that she had someone continuously asking her where she was going. Her father never had really kept tabs on her as long as she was within the county.

“For the last time I do not stalk you!” Ryan had lost count how many times he had felt he needed to defend himself on that particular note. He didn’t enjoy being called a stalker! Summer simply raised her right eyebrow. She seemed to have perfected that move recently. Ryan stared back; she had yet to deal with Ryan Atwood glance. It could be lethal. “I watch over you. I watch for other people to make sure they don’t hurt you. So you might well just accept it.” He replied.

“Fine. I’ll call you when I’m heading out. Happy?” Summer groaned, she was just about ready to start whining again. Atwood was really starting to get on her last nerve.



Ryan could not say he particularly enjoyed seeing many eighteen year olds so wasted that the majority of them were passed out in the pool, the other lot had gotten considerably more naked then what he was sure they were an hour ago. A part of him wanted to go help several of them, particularly the guy who was passed out in the hot tub though still holding steadily onto his beer can but his prime focus was Summer. Whilst she was pretty drunk herself, she wasn’t completely incarcerated and therefore didn’t need to be taken home quite yet. Not that she would go even if Ryan suggested it of course.

Ryan wasn’t particularly comfortable with the idea of just standing by whilst Summer illegally got drunk but he knew well enough to stay out of it, Summer sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate it - that much was obvious. However, Neil had informed him that he was quite aware of Summer’s extra-curricular activates regarding house parties and alcohol but as long as she wasn’t coming home passed out all the time, he was quite happy to let her indulge in a ‘perfectly natural way of teenage life’. Ryan didn’t really see it as natural though he couldn’t argue, he was drinking far younger than Summer’s age.

Ryan watched as Summer headed to the kitchen for another drink, she grabbed a half empty bottle of vodka - that Ryan had been paying considerable amounts of attention to all night - and watched her pour herself a large amount into the glass. Just as she grabbed a mixer, some tall surfer guy headed towards her, Ryan watched them carefully. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but he could see Summer giggling and this kid rubbing his hands up and down her arm. He watched him pull her to closest sofa. He wanted to look away as he watched the two kiss one another, Summer half on the kids lap, the lads hands making their way into her hair and down her back. Ryan, for not the first time, wished that he wasn’t Summer’s bodyguard. If he wasn’t her bodyguard then he wouldn’t have to watch this display of affection. If he wasn’t her bodyguard he wouldn’t have to deal with her silly, childish tantrums that annoy him so much. If he wasn’t her bodyguard then he wouldn’t have to convince himself that it wasn’t jealousy he was feeling, it was something entirely different.

Some girl in a revealing bathing suit fell on him, spilling her drink in the process. Great, now I’m going to be smelling of cheap vodka all night, he thought. Once he managed to get the girl of him and into someone else’s arms, a boyfriend perhaps considering the death glare he had earned, he turned his eyes back towards Summer, hoping she let go of this prick.

And just like that she was gone.

Ryan felt his stomach drop. He quickly headed to where Summer had previously been, checked the kitchen. She was nowhere he could see. He rushed outside. Nothing. He hated the idea of it as he glanced upstairs. No, she wouldn’t have. Surely? He grabbed his phone, he wasn’t sure what kind of response he would get from Summer in her state - if she would even answer her phone. But he preferred this option rather than to find her in bed with some other guy. As he heard Summer’s cheery voice call out on the other end, he knew he’s reached her voicemail. Damnit!

Ryan ran up the stairs, passing a couple of passed out guys and a couple practically fucking on the stairs. There were so many rooms in the house it was ridiculous, Ryan didn’t know where to start. Why couldn’t rich people just be satisfied with a normal amount of rooms!? He grabbed some guy who was standing in front of one the doors.

“Summer Roberts. Have you seen her? Where did she go? Which room?” He was going out of his mind, one job. Watch after an eighteen year old, why was this so difficult? Why did Summer need to make this so difficult!?

“Uhhhhh, she went that way dude. Safe.” He held up his hand for high five, Ryan scoffed. Fucking pothead. He quickly ran to the end of the corridor. Just three rooms, he could figure this out. He heard Summer’s high pitched scream.

“You asshole! Get off me!” Ryan froze, he went for the door handle to find it locked. Bastard! He rested his foot against the door, he tried to avoid being violent and causing damage but this was an emergency. He pulled back his leg and mustered all the strength he could as he kicked open the door. Summer let out another high pitched scream.

“Atwood!” Ryan panted heavily as he saw Summer standing there with both hands on her hips, standing over surfer dude who was currently clutching his balls, writhing around in pain.

“Are you okay?” He yelled.

“I’ll be fine!” Surfer dude groaned as he continued to roll around. Ryan glared at him.

“I wasn’t talking to you, asshole!” He looked at Summer, at least she had protected herself but how could she have been so reckless? Summer gave him a defiant look, seeming to know exactly what he was thinking.

“I took care of this myself.” She walked past him. “I told you I didn’t need some lame bodyguard!” She called out as she headed towards the car. This party was over and apparently so was her drunken state.


Summer stormed into the house. Thank God her father had gone away on another business trip because she was about to let out the mother of all tantrums and she planned to release it on none other than Ryan Atwood.

“Are you happy now?” Summer yelled as Ryan made his appearance. He looked a little confused, his soft look quickly changing into a hard glare. “You totally ruined my night.”

“I ruined your night? You mean the night where you had to kick some guy because he wanted to force you into doing something you didn’t want to do! How is this my fault?”

“It just is! I don’t want you around! You’re irritating and stuck up!” Ryan let out a harsh laugh, loosened his tie and took of his jacket.

“I’m stuck up? You’ve looked down on me since the moment I got here and you damn well know it.” Summer looked slightly surprised. Had she really been like that? Sure she’d been a bitch but that was because she didn’t want him around because of his profession not because of where he was from. She didn’t even know where he was from
“Yeah well maybe if you got a real job instead of butting in your nose in where it is not wanted then you wouldn’t have to deal with me, would you?” Summer couldn’t help it, she’d never lost an argument yet and she wasn’t going to start now. She couldn’t back down! Ryan’s temper flared.

“I am here to protect you so you don’t end up in the same situation that, that girl did! Maybe if you weren’t too busy paying attention to pathetic jerk offs who only wanted to get into your pants, getting drunk with friends who probably don’t even know you at all and generally just slutting it up, you might remember that there are some people out there who are mourning the possible loss of someone close to them. Your father hired me because he was genuinely concerned for you. Because he didn’t want to lose you! Maybe if you stopped being so selfish, you’d think of someone other than yourself for once in your life!”

Ryan and Summer stared at each other in complete silence. Ryan had no idea where that had come from, the only people he’d ever really yelled at were his mother and his brother. Both now who had completely wasted their lives away. He didn’t even know where what he had said about her came from, he hadn’t thought most of it. The drinking, though he didn’t approve drinking in excessive amounts - she was young, it was understandable. Not for one moment had he thought Summer was being a slut by getting off with some guy, he was just jealous. That was it, the first time he had allowed himself to admit it. He didn’t want some other guy to be touching her and that thought was overwhelming.

Summer said nothing as she stared back at Ryan. So that was what he really thought of her? All those horrible things? She had kept her feelings about Marissa’s disappearance private because they meant something to her, she didn’t want people all over her, feeling sorry for her. She just wanted to let go for once, forget about how much she missed her best friend, to be rid of the little voice in her head that was telling her she was never going to see her best friend again. The vodka did that. And so did the guy.

They said nothing.

Just stood there.


pairing;luke/taylor, fic;the girl and the bodyguard, fanfiction, pairing;ryan/summer, fandom;the oc

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