Title: A Cord of Three Strands
Pairings: Claire/Peter, Nathan/Peter, some allusions to Nathan/Claire (but no sexual contact)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~6000 words
Spoilers: Through 1x14 ("Distractions"), but canon-compliant through 1x16.
Disclaimer: Heroes and its characters are the property of NBC. I am not NBC.
Summary: When Claire moves to New
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This was incredibly sexy and illicitly beautiful, and I loved every minute of it. It was made of so much awesome that I'm having trouble pointing out the specific things I loved because I loved it all. Each individual part worked so well in developing the trio's dynamic. Seriously, it was spot on: the deep, abiding affection between the brothers, Peter's easy friendship with Claire, his initial struggle over his feelings for her, and naughty little Claire, wanting the both of them. Surprisingly, since I'm a diehard Paire shipper, one of the things I loved the most about this piece was the connection between Nathan and Claire. So wrong, sinfully wrong, but oh so hot. Like I said, I'm depraved.
Definite props to you for turning so many on to the idea of full out OT3 Petrellicest. And while today’s Sunday and I should probably spend it trying to save my immortal soul, I think I’m just going to be a heathen and read more incest fic instead.
Yeah, I'm much the same, as long as it's well-done. I had to reassure one of my betas, when she saw the pairings, that no, I didn't think that Nathan was the kind of person who'd blithely jump in bed with his daughter. But as long as it's realistic, the most twisted or painful situations are . . . often the most fun to examine.
Anyway, thanks so much for such a lengthy review. I'm glad the characterization worked for you!
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