Paire Fic: Keep Pretending (ONE-SHOT #16 Challenge)

May 01, 2010 12:35

Title: Keep pretending
Fandom: Heroes
Author: ArinnaVal
Pairing: Peter/Claire
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Incest, because it's Paire.
Spoilers: It's pretty much AU.
Summary: They came to this meadow every year after Nathan’s death. Angela thought this was the right way to keep her family whole. She could pretend that she didn’t see the pain in Peter’s eyes; she could pretend she didn’t see the annoyance in Claire’s.
A/N: Written for pairechallenge One-Shot #16 Challenge

Thanks to my wonderful beta: Alex!

   Keep pretending  

fic:related, fic, fic:pg-13, challenge

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