It's Not Cupcakes (PG)

Mar 26, 2010 01:13

Title: It's Not Cupcakes
Characters/Paring: Peter & Claire friendship and cuteness :D
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1250
Spoilers/Warnings: I wouldn't advise reading it if you haven't watched S4, but nothing really spoiler-ish for anything after the S3 finale...
Summary: This certainly wasn’t the first time he had come home from work at the hospital to smell the obvious scent of baking drifting through the apartment.
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes. :(
A/N: Simple, humour, slightly fluffy, and a bit nostalgic Paire dedicated to my dear friends Izzy (izilen) and Ellie (fallenmagic) because I think they both need some cheering up lately. :) ILU both so much. <3 This was written with the idea that, as much as I love it, the whole brave new world thing doesn't happen. I couldn't figure out how to work it in. XD But yes. ILU, Ellie and Izzy. Here's to better days. <3

(I just realized I never actually posted it here...)

( Peter grinned crookedly as he shut the door to the apartment, sliding out of his coat and throwing it over the back of the easy-chair in the corner of the room. )

fic:related, fic, fic:pg-13

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