Title: The Man Out Of Time
Rating: Up to PG-13. This chapter: PG-13 for potential romantic situation between an adult and a minor.
Characters/Pairings: Platonic and romantic Paire and a whole lotta Nathan in this one, folks!
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in an AU S1 timeline. Paire aren't related. No spoilers. If you've got half-way through S4, you're good.
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes. And every illusion to the Time Traveler's Wife is Audery Niffenenegger's, not mine. If it wasn't for her book and Kring's show, this story wouldn't exist.
Summary: Peter meets Claire for the first time when he's 24 years old and she is 15. She meets him when she is 6 and he is 25, which would be impossible...if Peter hadn't acquired the ability to time travel. Unable to control his powers, he travels to her past and his future - but can he still save the cheerleader and save the world?
A.N: Hello! It seems ages since I updated this fic. As some of you may know, life wasn't that great the last 3 months of 2009, but things are turning around now. I hope to update this on a semi-regular basis, so it won't be months of waiting for the next one (hopefully). Thanks as always go to the amazing
wuhdemah who puts up with betaing this <3 Enjoy! :)
Chapter 6: Decisions