Supernatural Drabbles
Title: Calling NEW
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Dean and Cas
It used to be so easy to call Cas.
He used to be able to just call Cas’ name, didn’t even have to say it aloud. Then Cas’ angel powers would do their thing and he’d show up. Totally inside his personal space but there. Now he has to use a cell, hope he has a signal, hope Cas has a signal, Pray to God (and not the angels) that Cas answers and doesn’t hang-up by mistake, again. And then he has to tell him where he is.
It used to be so easy, but now…he really hates the angels.
Title: Being dead and moving on NEW
Word Count: 157
cw_landRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Sam and Chuck
“He looks happy.”
“He’s getting there Sam, it’s going to take some time. You were a big part of his life.”
“But he’s going to move on right? Have a normal life and everything right Chuck?”
“Free will could change everything but as of right now, yes.”
“Tell me about it.”
“He’s gotten work at the local Auto shop; He’s going to take over some day, specializing in old model cars. Ben’s even going to get a sister. Want to guess her name?”
“Like I even have to guess, that jerk! Did they get married first?”
“In about a year, just before they find out about little Samantha, she hate’s being called Sammy too.”
“Good girl, does he die of old age?”
“At 61, not that old but given he’s already died a few times not bad really.”
“Yeah not bad…I’m ready to go. Thank you for letting me see him.”
“No problem Sam, you earned it.”