Title: Angelic Gold
Word Count: 2, 379
Rating: R
Genre: Angel fic
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Ryan
Series: Unnamed Luke/Ryan series
Summary: It’s Christmas and Marissa has talked Luke into being part of the school play, but she didn’t stop with him.
Author's Notes: There are two versions of this, one R the other NC-17. Both are because of
“Why am I doing this?” Luke said out loud as he looked at himself in the large three panel mirror that the costume shop had for just this reason.
He was wearing glittering gold colored sandals, with lacing that wound around the legs to the top of the calves, ending just below the knees. Just above the knees is where the golden metallic shorts were. Above them his chest was almost bare with only two thick stripes of white leather crossed his chest. They, of course, held up the pair of angel wings that arched a good six inches above his head down to his knees all topped by a golden halo resting on his brow. The perfect Christmas angel…or so claimed Marissa.
He leaned one way and then the other looking at the reflected light from the shorts. “So shiny…” Luke let out a breath as he turned around to look back at her where she stood talking to the tailor about a few changes she seemed to want done. “Can I change out of this yet?” he asked as he looked at them.
“You don’t need any more measurements?” Marissa half asked as she looked over at the tailor before looking back at Luke. “Yeah no problem Luke, and thanks again for helping.”
Luke couldn’t help but smile back as she smiled at him, “No problem, happy to help.” he answered as he carefully turned and then looked at the doorway to the changing room, a doorway that wasn’t intended for his angelic wingspan, “A little help here?”
“Of course Sir, let me get that for you,” the tailor said as he briskly walked over and disconnected the wings from the harness and set them off to the side.
“Thanks man,” Luke said as he rolled and stretched his shoulders as he made his way into the dressing room. Once there he pulled the snaps and dropped the harness to the ground, “Man those wings are heavy,” he said to himself while he stretched his arms and shoulders.
The water polo player slumped against the wall and sank into one of the booths that lined the room. He reached down and pulled loose the knot that held up his sandals so he could remove them, then he heard a new voice coming from the outer room. A voice he knew but just couldn’t place. The other angel must be someone he knew, but he just couldn’t place the-
Luke tensed up when he saw Atwood walk through the curtains holding a handful of gold, the voice from outside falling into place, “Ryan. Marissa talked you into being part of the play too,” Luke stated more than asked while he discarded both sandals to the pile with the rest of his costume.
“Yes, an Angel right? Is that all it is?” Ryan questioned as he looked between what Luke had on and what was in the very small pile that held the rest of the outfit.
“You thought there’d be more to it once you had that on?” Luke smirked as he dropped his golden shorts to the ground before he stood so he could slip on his own board shorts and pull his shirt on. “No(,) it’s just these. Have fun.” he added, scoopingup his golden pile as he stalked out of the room.
“Yeah, later,” he heard Ryan call after him but he just kept walking straight across the large showroom to where Marissa and the tailor were talking about something.
“Ryan? The other guy is Ryan?” he demanded to know once he reached their side.
“What? Yeah,” Marissa answered before noticing him, “why? I thought you two were getting along now.”
“We don’t fight each other every time we meet but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to spend the next month spending half my free time next to the guy. Marissa you really need to back off and let people deal,” he told her before he shoved his costume at her and started walking away.
“Wait Luke, you’re not quitting right? I mean come on,” Marissa called as she dropped the pile on the table next to her.
“What?” Luke asked puzzle before shaking his head, “No, how long have you known me. I don’t quit Marissa; just let me know when the rehearsal is.” he finished before he walked out of the store.
“Sorry I’m going to be running late Luke, the sheep are eating part of the stage, but you and Ryan get everything ready so I can look and see if I need to make any changes, I’m texting everything now,”
Luke just frowned down at his phone as he listened to the message again. Marissa just kept pushing it. First she talked him into doing this, then the costume and now Ryan… Marissa so owed him for everything she’d put him through over the past two weeks, he thought as he just gave up and got out of his truck and started making his way into the school and to the classroom she had text him.
As he walked through the empty hall he didn’t see any of the other cast member or even school staff. And when the door was locked his first thought was that he had been given the wrong room and Luke made it a few feet down the hall toward the auditorium before the door of the classroom that was to be the male changing room opened. “Mr. Ward, in here please, Mr. Atwood is already getting dressed,” the tailor said before ducking back into the room.
Steeling himself, Luke took a breath before striding over to the doorway and walked through them. The first thing, the only thing, Luke saw once in the room was Ryan, all four of him.
Ryan was standing before another triple-mirror where he had just started turning towards the doorway giving Luke a view of every part of his form. The overhead lights highlighting the blond strands even more than normal, bound down by the golden band that seemed to glow around his brow. The white stripes of leather were tight against Ryan’s muscles, displaying how firm and solid they were as they were pulled back by the weight of the wings. Then, below the metallic shorts hung lightly off his hips, hinting at what may be beneath its scant protection. And farther down were the rest of Ryan’s tan smooth legs.
Luke felt as if all the breath had left his lungs and his face felt like it was on fire as he kept looking at Ryan. He just couldn’t look away as Ryan returned to studying his costume after giving Luke a glance.
It was the table banging into his thigh that snapped Luke back to reality just in time to catch the last of what the tailor was saying as he made his way past Luke and out of the room.
“-the refitting is done I’ll return to check on your costume. Yours is in the box on the table.”
Luke nodded, watching the tailor head out the door and keeping his eyes off Ryan as he walked over to the table that held his costume and he pulled off the top to pull it out.
“We have to talk sometime Luke,” Ryan called from the other end of the room causing Luke to look up.
“Why? We’ve done fine so far. And what do we have to talk about?” Luke asked as he kept his eyes down as he pulled the wings out first, then the rest of his costume.
“We barely made it through the last two weeks. We’ve had three fights, one of them mid rehearsal; I thought Marissa was going to kill us after that.”
“Yeah, well, it won’t happen again Atwood, so let’s just get this over with alright man,” Luke said as he frowned at the small jar of gold dust he found at the bottom of his box.
“You’re right; we can’t fight if you won’t even look at me, Luke. Come on, man we need to talk about this, We almost fucked. We’ve kissed more than once. And let’s not forget just which one of us started this, dude; I’m getting real tired of being left hanging all the time.”
“I don’t know, all right,” Luke yelled as he looked up at Ryan, the heat in his cheeks feeling much different than they had minutes before. “I like you but you’re a dude, damn and I just…fuck,” he added as he lifted the empty costume box up a few inches just so he could slam it back down.
“I get this isn’t easy, I’ve been there Luke. But you have to deal with it. Y you can’t just ignore it. Talk with someone, your dad for one.”
“Don’t. Just leave him out of it okay,” Luke growled out at Ryan. “I’m not… Not him, not yet.” Luke said as he looked up at Ryan. “Can we just get ready or not?”
“Yeah, sure. I need your help with the last part, and you’re going to need mine.”
“Last part? You already have the wings on,” Luke said, a bit confused.
“You didn’t read her text all the way did you?” he heard a short laugh from Ryan laugh a bit.
“No, why? What did I miss,” Luke asked as he looked over the items he had taken from the box, his eyes landing on the jar. “She wouldn’t.”
“She did.” Luke heard Ryan say but he just kept looking at the jar. He was going to have to…all over Ryan. And then he was going to all over him. Sometimes he really didn’t like Marissa.
“Since you’re already dressed lets let’s get this stuff on you then I’ll change,” Luke suggested as he picked up the jar and started reading the instructions on the back. Instructions that came down to brush on with the ‘puff’ that came with it. “A puff? They couldn’t find a better name for this?” Luke asked as he knelt in front of Ryan and twisted open the jar.
“Maybe girls like it?”
“Marissa would and she so owes us for this.” Luke just said as he took the soft powder puffer and dabbed it at the golden dust watching as the dust clouded up under the presser, “I guess we’ll start on the abs? Did the text say where she wanted it?” he asked as he patted along the outline of Ryan’s light six-pack(,) feeling the warm skin on the other side of the puff just outside of the reach of his fingers.
“She said the front between the sandal laces and the shorts and then everything above,” Luke only half listened to Ryan as he brushed the golden dust over Ryan’s abs again, this time letting his knuckles graze his skin. It felt so warm under them. So inviting.
Luke just kept brushing it on, watching as Ryan’s tan torso turned from a nice light bronze into a deeper golden bronze that seemed to sparkle when it slowly rose and fell with each inhale and exhale, feeling his own hair waving under each breath out.
And that’s when he did it. He just couldn’t wait any longer. He reached out and ran his tongue along Ryan’s treasure trail. Ryan’s skin tasted sweet, like honey and sweat.
Ryan didn’t taste like honey last time, “The dust taste like honey,” Luke said as he slowly licked and sucked his way up Ryan’s chest, ignoring Ryan when he said this wasn’t a good idea.
“Honey? I didn’t know you had a thing for honey and you can-” Luke had to fight back a grin as Ryan’s words devolved into a groan when Luke sucked the other teen’s nipple into his mouth and nipped at it.
Luke just kept at it. Licking his way across Ryan’s body, only now Ryan was helping him. He could feel Ryan’s fingers running through his hair, gripping and guiding him right to the spots that gave Ryan the most pleasure. His own hands were wandering down Ryan’s sides working their way to the golden shorts that Luke wanted to push down.
“Not so fast, I like honey too,” he heard Ryan say just as he had managed to get Ryan’s golden shorts to the ground. Suddenly he felt himself being pulled up by the leather harness before he was pushed back, his body bending backward when he hit the table until he was looking up at Ryan. Looking like the angel he always acted as with the grand wings and golden halo.
Then he felt a tickle on his nipple, something brushing over it just enough to register a contact but not enough to tell what it was, but the feeling sent a jolt of pleasure from his nipple right to his dick. His dick that was already hard as it strained to get closer to Ryan’s own dick. He could feel the heat and he knew their erections were separated only by the thin gold fabric of his shorts.
Luke closed his eyes and let out a moan as he felt Ryan’s warm, moist mouth around his nipple; the teen’s tongue lapping over it, his teeth pressing into it. Then it was gone and he could feel the cool air on it, hardening it more. “You’re right it does taste like honey.”
He tried to respond but he was slow to react, all he wanted to do was feel not talk, not think, when the chance was taken from him when he felt lips pressing to his own.
“Luke? Luke, you okay?” the voice pulled Luke out of his thoughts and he saw that most of Ryan’s chest was golden but the other teen was just standing before the mirrors and he was kneeling holding the jar.
“Yeah, fine,” Luke was able to answer after he cleared his throat.
“You sure? You looked like you kind of zoned out there.”
“I’m good this is just kind of boring; you’ll) see when it’s your turn…so legs next,” Luke said as he shifted so he could get to Ryan’s legs better, and hide his hardening groin that was presses against his own pants, Marissa was going to owe him forever.
The end.