Title: The Place, Stargate: Atlantis

Feb 09, 2010 16:40

Title: The Place
Word Count: 1811
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: John Centric
Series: The Sharing part 13
Summary: and they reach the end of the trip and find something.

“So she didn’t have anything to say about whatever it is we’re heading to?” Rodney McKay asked the two other men as they left the Proculus system.

“She said she couldn’t,” Major John Sheppard told McKay as he turned up the heater hoping to warm up the room.

“But she did give us a wee bit of background on our mystery man? Like a name, Graham,” Doctor Carson Beckett added.

“His name, yes great. Did you get anything useful?” snapped McKay.

“Well what would you consider useful?” John asked.


“So what is it McKay?”

“With the power we have I can’t tell…I’m cutting power to the cloak and shield.”

Both John and Carson watched as McKay redirected power and reconnected his wiring trying to get the scanners working.

At last the display over the controls came to life showing them their first view of their destination.

“It’s a space station,” Rodney said in surprise.

And it was, the main part was about the size of one of Atlantis piers, in the form of a ring with windows that shown with light around its outer layer. Beneath the ring was a large spider web like frame that made a huge sphere that was half the size of Atlantis, just hollow.

“What is it,” Carson asked pointing at the sphere.

“It could be a number of things…the power reading are off the scale…these look familiar…where…”McKay muttered as he looked over the data.

“You have to dock us Major!” he exclaimed as he focused the image to show what looked like a dock port, “right there, can you do it?”

“Of course I can, what kind of pilot do you think I am?” John shot back before taking the controls to slowly maneuver the ship in, “So what is it?” John re-asked Carson’s question.

“A power station.”

“Open, Open, Open.”

“That won’t make it open any faster Rodney,” Carson told the man as they waited for the docking door to open.

Rodney just glared at Carson as they waited for the door to cycle through with John grinning in front of them both.

John was the first one through the door when it did open at last. It opened into a brightly illuminated curved hallway; the left wall had windows every few feet with the stars of Pegasus giving them a breathtaking view. The other side of the hallway had doors lining the wall.

As the three men made their way into the hall the lights flickered and the whole station shook.

“What was that,” John demanded.

“That’s the reason we have to keep moving,” McKay said as he walked forward and looked into the first doorway, “Nope” was all he said before going on down the hall.

John gave Carson a look to with Carson just shrugged his shoulders, “McKay, what are you looking for?”

McKay stopped in front of the next door before he answered John’s question, “this is a PowerStation for Zedpm, and the readings I got from the ship are the same as when a Zedpm enters final entropy and fails only this time it’s not contained,” he stopped talking as he looked into the room his was in front of, “not this one either. We have to find the control room and find out why it’s not contained!” he added as he made his way to the next door.

“Zpms, here, how do you know?” asked a surprised Major.

“One of the first thing Zelenka and I did when we first got here was try and find them, and we did find out how to make them, but we couldn’t do it back at Atlantis because of gravity.”

“Gravity?” Carson repeated.

“That’s why it’s way out here. The Gravity of the Pegasus Galaxy is almost nil out here…why didn’t I see it sooner,” he explained as he opened the next door and looked in, “Finally.”


John and Carson watched as Rodney moved from one control panel to the next, studying and comparing the readings for a reason that neither man could understand.

The room shook again lasting longer and far more violent than before. One of the panels partly burst causing sparks to fly out at Rodney.

“Rodney,” Carson spotted as Rodney growled at the panel, “let me see your hand,” he ordered trying to get a look at the hand Rodney was cradling against his body.

“Later Carson,” Rodney said as he poked at the now dead panel, “Dam, we have to find the Main Lab now,” he barked as he stormed out of the room.

John looked over at Carson in concern, “He didn’t want your attention.”

“Aye…something’s wrong major,” Carson added as the two men followed Rodney back into the hall.

The two men followed McKay as he checked every room for the Main Lab he was looking for till at last he found a staircase that lead down a level. Rodney’s shout of triumph when he got to the bottom confirmed that this was the Lab he was seeking.

The lab was huge taking up most of the level with stairs on both sides. The center of the room was a ring of control panels around a raised circle that looked like the ZPM base back at Atlantis only bigger with what looked like five ZPM in a circle with a sixth one raised up and glowing…black.

Carson was the first in the room after Rodney and quickly moved to his side, “Rodney, let me look at that hand,” Carson said trying to get a better look at the wounded hand.

“Not now Carson I’m busy,” growled the scientist as he pounded the controls.

“McKay what are you doing and why is that Zpm black?” demanded John.

“I’m trying to stop that Zedpm from cascading into final entropy Major,” McKay paused for a moment, “and that is why it’s black.”

“What dose that mean Rodney,” Carson asked after giving up trying to get to Rodney’s arm.

“When a Zedpm dies a lot of power is created in the end. Normally the power is controlled, it was that last burst of power Atlantis used to raise from the ocean, but here there is no control. It’ll come out in one huge burst of power, overwhelming everything, every system will overload at one time.”

“Can you stop it,” John questioned.

“Of course I can, who do you think I am?!” Rodney retorted.

John just glared at the man.



“What’s wrong McKay?”

“It’s too damaged…I can still fix it,” Rodney said franticly moving from one panel to the next.

“Can’t you just turn it off somehow?” Carson asked from behind the two men.

“Yes of course I completely overlooked the off switch! What was I thinking?!” McKay snapped at the man.

John just watched as the black Zpm started to throb, cracking as small lights around the room burst and one of the panels exploded on the other side of the Zpm base, “That’s it we’re leaving, now,”

“I can fix this, I can fix this” McKay shouted just before another panel exploded, “or not. Grab the Zedpms,” he said as the Zpm started to rise out of the base.

Both McKay and Sheppard started to grab the Zpm but when Carson moved to join them John stopped him giving him different orders, “Go back and start the ‘Knight’, it’s just like the Jumper, Go Now.”


“Get us out of here Major,” McKay yelled pulling wires and crystals in a rush.

John moved the ship from the station as fast as he could trying to put as much distances from the station as the ship could, “How big will this be?”

“I don’t…” Rodney paused as the station started to break up and exploded, rocking the Knight with the shock wave rocking the ship, causing it to nearly nose over before being righted.

“That big Major,”

“Nice,” Major John Sheppard said as he bounced on the bed. Leaning back looked around the room. At fifteen by fifteen feet it was rather large giving the size of the ship but it was the captain’s room. Other than the bed the room also held a desk and a dresser set into the wall.

The most amazing thing about the room was that unlike Atlantis it hadn’t been emptied of all personal items. Clothes in the dresser, a handful of carved animal figure the desk, and what looked like a hand draw sketch of Graham and an older looking version of himself, both in some kind of uniform standing side by side.

Atlantis had been so devoid of personal items it was odd seeing any here. John just laid there taking it in.

“What do you think of her?” a voice asked out of nowhere.
John’s eyes snapped open to see the Ancient leaning against the wall by the foot of the bed, “What.”

“The Ship, what do you think of her,” the Ancient asked.

“Well…I haven’t had a chance to really see what she can do but so far she’s good,” the Major answered the man.

“Wait till you get her out into open space…she’s a great ship,” Graham said as he walked over to the dresser and began to look for something.

The man paused then pulled out a small round disk, looking at it before turning back to John, “You’re her Captain now John Sheppard.”

John realized that something was happing and rose, standing before the Ancient, “what is that?” he asked.

“My Badge of Rank…and now your Captain Sheppard,” the man said pushing the disk onto John’s collar.

“Hey, I’m a Major not a Captain.” John complained.

“An Atlantian Captain is better than an Earth Major,” Chaya told John as she appeared next to Graham.

“Earth isn’t that bad,” John insisted.
“It has only just looked beyond it’s own world. Atlantis ruled whole Galaxies Captain,” Graham said, “and you are now its highest ranking military member…you will find new doors opened to you back in Atlantis.”

“With the ZPM we can fully power the city, with the shields,” pointed out John.

“You’ll be able to do far more then that Captain, you can reform the Council…”

“After all these years…Atlantis will have a council once more,” Chaya finished for Graham.

“Council? What Council …”suddenly it hit John that they were both here not in a dream or at lest he didn’t think it was a dream, “why are you both here. Why aren’t the others doing something,” he demanded.

“The others are looking elsewhere, Oma is moving openly,” Chaya told John looking at Graham.

“For now they are not looking at us”

“Major…Major,” McKay yelled threw the door, “Major,” he gave one last yell before he opened the door.

By the time the door was open only John was in the room, standing by the bed glaring at McKay.


The end

fandom: stargate: atlantis, character: sheppard, serise: the sharing, fanfiction

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