Title: Off world, Stargate: Atlantis

Jan 18, 2010 03:16

Title: Off world
Word Count: 1252
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: John Centric
Series: The Sharing part Eight
Summary: The team goes off world to try and find some answers so at least some of their questions.

Broken into pieces beyond count and flung across the stars Major John Sheppard the ranking military officer of Atlantis and leader of its’ primary gate team and descendant of the Ancients that built both Atlantis and the Gates should not have been aware and yet he was.
Most of the stars he could see looked blurred and distorted, with a bluish light forming a tube around him heading off into the distances both ahead and behind him. His arm hand and body looked fuzzy and …un-solid…as if they weren’t really there.
“I have guided you to them,” the voice was the only source of sound and seemed wrong, like it shouldn’t be there. “Trust and they will show you the way,” John looked around to find the man from his dream, “Trust.”
Once these words were out the world around John blurred as time resumed its’ endless waltz.


The four members of Atlantis’ main team stepped out of the Stargate together unaware that their trip had been interrupted. The world that they found was barren and flat rock, it looked dead and lifeless.
“Major why would the Ancestors come here?” Asked Teyla as she looked around.
“Yeah, everything’s so dead,” added Lt. Ford.
“It’s been over 10,000 years. It may have been different then,” said McKay.
“Or they may have been here for some other reason,” suggested John thinking about what the man had said.
“Which way should we go?” Teyla asked as she looked about. The only thing that broke the flat landscape was a handful of mountains in the distant and an arc of rock that was a few feet in front of the Stargate.
“Why go anywhere, I want to look at this arc,” McKay answered as he climbed over the rock, “just far enough from the Stargate not to be harmed but close enough that ships can’t get through.”
“Yeah like the jumper, so we have to walk, Doctor,” stated Lt. Ford.
“You’re missing the point, if the jumper can’t…” started McKay before Major Sheppard finished the thought.
“Then a dart can’t either Lt.”
“Oh” Lt. Ford was about to say more when all around them rock pillars rose out of the ground the surrounded them.
The opening between the pillars were too small for any of them to fit through and they went up at least eighteen feet. Teyla, Ford, and Sheppard wasted no time in bringing up their weapons and scanning their surroundings, looking for the reason the trap was there. Rodney quickly dropped under their guns before he pulled out his equipment to see if he could uncover some clues.
It was the life signs detector that found something, “Major, I’m picking up life signs all around us, and there moving, fast,” he said holding up the detector.
“Where, I don’t see any thing,” demanded Lt. Ford.
“I don’t know, maybe their invisible, maybe there too small maybe-” McKay was cut off when a large human-ish looking rock burst out of the ground, “…they’re under ground.”
The rock had the upper body of a human with a blank expression and little detail, but its’ lower body was ruff rock, the rock pointed at the group, “Lower you weapons or leave,” the voice sounded like rock grinding together, when the sound ended more pillars rose making a path to the Stargate and other lowered giving the team a way to the Stargate but only the Stargate.
After a few tense moments John lower his gun, “Lower them guys…they’re down now what?” he asked the rock.
“Why have you come here?” came the grinding reply.
“We’re explorers, we travel the different worlds looking for friends and allies,” John said looking at the rock person.
“Why this world” the rocks demanded.
John hesitated, the man had said to trust but should he.
Seeing that John was not answering Teyla did, “We have a list of worlds, we are slowly making our way thru them.”
“What do you want?” the rocks asked.
“We’re looking for friends and allies…have you ever heard of the Wraith?” John asked.
“Do you fight the Wraith or serve them,” the rock demanded, even in the strange speech the word Wraith sounded like a curse.
“We fight them…do you,” Teyla asked speaking for the first time.
“When they come here they do not leave. Why do you fight them?”
“They see us as food, we need more reason?” Lt. Ford supplied.
John looked at Ford before turning back to the rock person, “Basically that it, that’s why we fight.”
“He tells the truth”
“This Q and A is fun but does it have a point?” McKay asked getting bored.
“To know you…” the rocks answered.
The rock person didn’t move or make any more noise, just looked at them… John made his choice, “That’s not the whole truth,” John stopped when the other look at him in surprise, but he just kept looking at the rock, “we…I was told that you could help us fight the Wraith.”
“Who told you that,” the grinding rocks demanded.
“I don’t know his name, but he’s an Ancient. He led us to this world,” John told the rocks hoping that the Ancient was right and they could be trusted.
The rock was still silent for some time before it spoke again, “We know of no…Ancients…yet you do not lie, how is this?”
He had to be an Ancient, didn’t he…John thought before he remember his encounter with a Wraith from the War he didn’t call them Ancients, “Atlanticans, Ancients are what we call Atlanticans.”
“They we do know, we knew them long age…before they woke…we watched as they fell…we sheltered those that remained.” The rocks replied.
“You knew the Ancients before they meet the Wraith?” John asked is surprise.
“Of course, they’re native to this galaxy…the Wraith couldn’t have been the only life to evolved in Pegasus,” McKay realized.
“The Wraith were not the only life, they destroyed many others. Others would come here and talk to us. A few at first then more and more…then fewer and fewer. Then we heard of the Wraith…of the deaths…then for so long we were alone so alone. Then they came,” even threw the grinding the sadness of the rocks could be heard in its tail.
“There are races older then the Ancients?” asked Lt. Ford.
“Did not the record in Atlantis say that the Galaxy was devoid of life?” Teyla questioned recalling the message found in the city.
“The Wraith killed them all…that’s why this Galaxy was lifeless when the Ancients got here,” McKay concluded.
“We warned them of the Wraith, they thought they were powerful enough not to fear the Wraith…they were wrong…they were forced to abandon all to the Wraith.”
John looked at the rock’s form, “How did you know that the Atlanticans weren’t all killed like the other races?” he asked.
“We were told by the one that remained,” it answered.
“That why…did he leave a message or any thing,” John demanded.
“For the one that can use it he left one thing,” the rocks said as it motioned to a spot on the other side of the stone cage. There was a different rumble and grinding as that spot began to bulge then grow into a large dome raising from the earth, growing bigger and bigger till at last it stopped.
What happen next surprised them all, a part of the wall slide away to reveal a new looking and very Atlantican looking door.

The End

fandom: stargate: atlantis, character: sheppard, serise: the sharing, fanfiction

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