Old Navy...

Dec 03, 2004 16:07

What the hell was Old Navy thinking when they made those stupid fucking holiday commercials?

I'm serious...if I see one more of those things I'm gonna scream!

Those people are way too happy for one thing.

::^____^ 'Buy are cloths!! Come on, you know you wanna!!!' ^___^::


They can't rhyme either.

::'Some people are hard to shop for, especially teenagers. How do you buy for someone who speaks a totally different language?'::

Or some shit like that...fuck off learn how to make a song sound good, learn how to sing in tune, or better yet, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

They take perfectly good tunes from perfectly good songs and turn them into stupid advertising shit. I hate these commercials and whoever the hell thought them up and decided that they were a good idea should be strapped to a chair, his feet in a bucket filled with piranhas, while someone takes a taser to his head every 10 seconds.

Old Navy your commercials suck. Completely.
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