Where do you stand...

Nov 12, 2004 21:55

Which do you believe: fate or the ability to make choices? Do you believe that your life has this plan it's suppose to follow or do you believe you draw out your plan along the way?

Does everything happen for a reason?

What if I told you that I believed in both fate and the ability to make choices? That I believe that everything happens for a reason?

I believe that to some extent that we all have the ability to make choices of our own free-will, but, for the most part, that most of our lives are already mapped out for us.

It's kinda hard to explain...I hope you can get what I'm trying to say.

The choices we make not only affect us, but the people around us to. And I think a lot of people tend to forget that. And because so, they don't look at all the possible outcomes, and maybe...just maybe end up hurting not only themseleves, but someone close to them too.

I watched 'Joan of Arcadia' today. Joan's friend Judith made the choice to hang out with the wrong crowd and in the end she ended up dead. Not only did she lose a life at a young age, but she changed the life of her mother, Joan, Joan's family, and the rest of her friends. All because of one mistake. All because she didn't take the time to think before she acted.

I know it's just a show...but what it teaches means so much. Don't rush into things people, I'd hate for anyone to get hurt. And I'm not just talking about death, they're are so many other things that could be worse, or even not as bad but still hurtful in some way.

Which brings me to the good part of making bad choices...they teach lessons. Yes, the hard way. But that brings me to the 'everything happens for a reason' deal. Sometimes, bad things have to happen...so no matter what the choice you make, something bad will happen in the end anyway. But all for the good of yourself and others. Just be sure, that if this is the case, you make the safer of the choices you have. Please.

Sounds kinda morbid...I know. But remember, good things happen for a reason too. Don't think I'm trying to get too upsetting here. I just want to get a message through.

Think about it people. Think.
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