I work hard for the moneys...

Sep 29, 2004 22:25

Well, after a very confusing day...which during it's course I was super happy, very angry, overly depressed to the point of crying, to annoyed, and to happy once again. Yea...well, anyway, like I was saying, after a very confusing day...things went real well.

First, I stayed after to try out for vocal ensemble. I wasn't really nervous at all. Which surprised me. Mrs. S asked me why I wasn't in choirs, said I should be, and that I did really well. So, I'm thinking I might have gotten in. Which would be awesome!

Then, I went with Hope to tell Mr. LeFra<--however that's spelled that she couldn't be in the play...blah blah blah, won't go into it, not my place to say. But, I think he understood and didn't get to pissy, which was good. I'm pretty sure Hope was scared he was.

Then, after helping my mom cook dinner (yum tacos!) and getting a neat little police notepad from my dad, I went to Laures for my first day of training. Kerri was training today to for the first time. Val, was the one in charge of us. She told us all the rules and what to do/what not to do, all the stuff we need to know. Then we 'went shopping,' as in Val showed us where everything was around the store, what certain items were, and picked a few up along the way. Then we went to a register and scanned them, did a checkout with cash, then check, then WIC check, and finally food stamps. Just so we understood how everything worked and how to work the machine and the different ways of payment. Oh, and to learn how to bag stuff correctly. We were told who to stay away from co-workers and customers alike, and we were introduced to those working at the time. Everyone I met was so nice! I have a good feeling about this job. ^-^

Anyway, I got a ride home from Kerri. Much thanks to her! ^-^ Got in, told my parents about my day, then I did some homework and now I'm online. Lol, well, that's it. Night all!
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