Sleeping Doesn't Help

Oct 16, 2002 10:00

Fuck, it doesn't matter how much sleep I get I'm still tired. At the moment I can hardly keep my eyes open. They are really heavy & hurt a little. I don't know what's wrong or what to do about being so tired.

*Yawn Yawn Yawn*
Maybe somethings wrong with me?

Since I haven't made an update about my Thanksgiving weekend I will do that now. I wasn't feeling well the whole weekend, especially on Saturday & Sunday & because of feeling so sick on Sunday I didn't go to my aunt & uncles for Thanksgiving so I missed out on a BIG dinner BUT my mom did manege to bring home a plate of leftovers for me. They were good! Monday I had a pretty good day. My friend Sandor called me & wanted to do something so he picked me up & we went out for coffee because we both needed to wake up. Then we went & played a couple games of pool. That was fun :) After pool we went back to his house & just sat around & ate. He made me try all this Hungarian food. Some of it was good BUT somethings I didn't take a liking to. I'm picky. That's all I am going to write about my weekend. As you can see, it wasn't TOO exciting.

I'll write again later tonight if I'm not too tired.

^V^ Painwithin ^V^
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