(no subject)

Mar 13, 2004 22:08

I Am A: Chaotic Good GnomeRanger Paladin

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Gnomes are also short, like dwarves, but much skinnier. They have no beards, and are very inclined towards technology, although they have been known to dabble in magic, too. They tend to be fun-loving and fond of jokes and humor. Some gnomes live underground, and some live in cities and villages. They are very tolerant of other races, and are generally well-liked, though occasionally considered frivolous.

Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.

Baervan Wildwanderer is the Neutral Good gnomish god of forests, travel, and nature. He is also known as the Masked Leaf. His avatar is always accompanied by an intelligent, giant raccoon, named Chiktikka Fastpaws. His followers, like him, enjoy the outdoors and work to protect it and guard those who also enjoy it. Their preferred weapon is the halfspear.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail)

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXXX (5)
Neutral Good ---- XXX (3)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Lawful Neutral -- (-1)
True Neutral ---- X (1)
Chaotic Neutral - XX (2)
Lawful Evil ----- (0)
Neutral Evil ---- (-5)
Chaotic Evil ---- X (1)

Human ---- XXX (3)
Half-Elf - XXX (3)
Elf ------ XXXX (4)
Halfling - (-6)
Dwarf ---- XXXX (4)
Half-Orc - XX (2)
Gnome ---- XXXXX (5)

Fighter - XX (2)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Paladin - XXXXXX (6)
Cleric -- XXXX (4)
Mage ---- (-1)
Druid --- X (1)
Thief --- XXX (3)
Bard ---- XXXXXX (6)
Monk ---- (-3)
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