Title: Mostly (It Just Is.)
Author: kayjayloves
Chapter: 1/1
Pairing: Tablo x Brian
Band: Epik High; FTTS
Genre: romance/angst
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Disclaimer: Don't own these guys, just my interpretations of them.
Synopsis: Tablo calls Brian at ten to one, tells him cheerfully, demandingly (desperately) that he needs to come over.
Comments: Written quite quickly during school, for
simply_emotion - I don't know how this happened but have it anyways ♥ xD Also - this is just a snippet of fic, and is completely up to interpretation.
Tablo calls Brian at ten to one, tells him cheerfully, demandingly (desperately) that he needs to come over.
The scene’s set; the door’s unlocked and Brian lets himself in, steps over a pile of papers, looks around. The apartment is trashed. “Hi,” Tablo says, cheerfully, from the couch. He’s not drunk, he looks tired, and he’s smiling so wide it hurts.
Brian collapses onto the couch next to him, fall complete with the crinkling of a bag of chips under the seat cushion. “Show tomorrow-?,” he starts, and the same time Tablo says, “It’s so fucking -”
It goes quiet. “Hey,” Brian says. “I learned how to imitate one of Boa’s dances.” He nearly stands up and launches into it but Tablo’s not looking in his direction anymore, hell, maybe he doesn't even hear him. He’s staring at the wall.
Brian shuts up.
“Melpomene,” Tablo mentions, after a moment. “was the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyme. Artists always depict her holding a knife. ‘The Muse of Tragedy’. Lyrical genius for the pained.”
He rolls over on the couch and repositions his feet onto Brian’s lap. “Want to get drunk and watch foreign movies without subtitles?”
A pause. “Okay,” Brian breaks into an easy smile. “What do you have? And your feet, they stink.” He shoves - gets up as Tablo’s feet greet the floor with a thud; suddenly he’s raiding Tablo’s kitchen.
“Beer... And, beer. And a really big thing of beer.” A grin. “We’ll have beer.”
When he gets back Tablo’s readjusted himself into a huddle of skinny limbs in the middle of the couch. They put on an Italian film that Tablo probably knows the name of but doesn’t mention, and then it’s quiet.
Brian doesn’t drink as much as he usually would.
“One of their other daughters was Euterpe, and she was beautiful.” Tablo murmurs, near the end of the movie. “But her one and only son died.” Brian just pushes his toes against Tablo’s stomach, his legs splayed across him.
He doesn’t ask.
Mithra corners Brian later, when he’s walking into the studio and Brian’s leaving, asking how did you..? and he looks surprised. Respectful. “How did I what?” Brian laughs, puts a hand on Mithra’s shoulder in greeting.
He leaves before Mithra can repeat himself.
Some things are better left unsaid.