Boyfriend Survey

Jun 26, 2005 17:12

The Ultimate Boyfriend Survey [guys you could switch some things to make it the ultimate g/f survey]

--- History ---

Where did you two first meet?
*** We met at school, he introduced himself to me after I had gone looking for him. His friends told him and that brought him to inttroduce himself.

When exactly did you two first meet?
*** We met June 2, 2004.

What was your first impression of him?
*** Fron the first time I saw him I thought he looked like the perfect guy (Yeah I know, cheesy.)

When did you start liking him?
*** I started liking him the first day we talked on the phone, and I liked him from afar way before we even met.

When did you two start going out?
*** August 14, 2004.

How was with your first kiss with him like?
*** My first kiss with him was cute and playful. We were on the floor because he was tickling me so I kissed him to make him stop.

Is he your first boyfriend? If not, then which?
*** He's my 3rd? 1st serious relationship however.

Are you his first girlfriend?
*** 2nd, 1st SERIOUS girlfriend lol.

--- About Him ---

How much older/younger is he compared to you?
*** He's 2 years and 3 months older than I.

Hair colour?
*** Light brown.

Eye colour?
*** Blue

*** Medium build/muscular.

Astrological sign?
*** Virgo

Skin colour?
*** Fair skin

*** White/caucasian

*** Polish/Irish

*** Catholic

*** Contact lenses, glasses on the weekends lol.

*** No.

*** No

Chest hair?
*** Thankfully, no.

Scars? Where?
*** One scar on the webbing of his hand.

Know where's his birthmark if he has one?
*** Yes, and I think this survey is rated G so I won't say.

*** Highly intellectual.

*** Sometimes.

*** Extremely =)

*** Possessive/control freak, sometimes.

*** Only on good days lol.

*** Very.

*** VERY protective.

*** A bit.

*** Yes.

*** Talkative.

*** Shy toward strangers, outgoing with friends.

Party animal/Stay at home kind?
*** Neither, more like an inbetween.

*** Very.

*** Lol, that's still something I'm better at.

Practical or more of the dreamy type?
*** Practical now that he has grown to his senses.

--- His skills ---

Can he cook or bake?
*** YES!!! 10points!

Can he repair/fix things?
*** I haven't seen it personally lol.

Can he dance?
*** When he tries, yes.

Can he sing?
*** He won't sing for me :(

Can he draw?
*** He CAN, but he's no Picasso.

Can he play any instrument?
*** The GEE-tar.

Can he write well?
*** Yes, though there are some grammatic errors here and there, and some mispellings lol.

Can he make you laugh?
*** Hell yeah, one of few people who can really make me laugh.

Can he make others laugh?
*** Yes he can.

What is his talent if he has found it?
*** Skating.

Is he good at science and math?
*** Eh, he should stick to being a history buff.

--- Things you like about him ---

What do you like about the things he says?
*** He can make complete sense when he says ANYTHING. Even if it's the biggest bullshit lie, he can make it believable.

What do you like about the things he does?
*** He's sweet and chilvarous. He even holds the car door open for me : )

What do you like about the things he does FOR YOU?
*** The things he does for me are always to make ME happy, even if he's not so fond of the idea.

What part of his face do you like the most?
*** His eyes, lips.

What part of his body do you like the most?
*** Stomach.

What part of his personality do you like the most?
*** He's kind hearted.

What do you most admire about him?
*** He's not selfish and he strives to complete his goals.

What part of him attracts you the most?
*** Overall the physical part.

Do you know what attracts him to you?
*** No! Is it 'cause I'm quirky????

--- Random quirks ---

Is he a pet lover?
*** Not a pet lover like me, but he loves his cats.

Animal lover?
*** I guess you could say that.

Is he environmental-friendly?
*** :'( No, and it kills me.

What are his views on political issues?
*** Full blown democrat who strongly dislikes President Bush.

Is he racist?
*** Extremely. Hah, I bet he'll deny it.

Is he a vegetarian?
*** No, he's a cow murderer. :(

Does he drink?
*** Yes.

*** I don't know, does he?

*** Yes, but not like a sailor, whatever that means.

Sleep around?
*** Of course not, what the hell lol.

Abuse drugs?
*** I don't think so.

Is he hairy?
*** No :D

Does he donate to beggars?
*** Never had in front of me.

Is he neat/messy?
*** Messy with a capital MESS.

--- His love life ---

Is he a romantic? Self-professed or closet?
*** Full blown romantic =)

Is he sentimental?
*** Very.

How did he woo you?
*** Woo?? This is some mushy crap.

Does he give you flowers?
*** Lol from his yard. Cheap bastard *shakes fist*

Does he lavish you with gifts?
*** I suppose one could say that lol.

Does he pay for your meals/tickets/etc?
*** Yes.

Is he okay with confessing his love for you in public?
*** More ok with it than I.

Does he express his love for you in words or actions?
*** Both.

--- Things you don't like about him (though you accept his faults) ---

Any habits of his that you dislike?
*** Fidgeting that he does when he gets uneasy.

Any part of his appearance that you dislike?
*** Nothing at all.

Any part of his character that you dislike?
*** YES! He is so damn stubborn!

--- Your feelings for him --- long have you two been together?
*** 10 months.

Do you truly love him?
*** With all my heart :)

Does he truly love you?
*** Yes he does.

Can you envision marrying him? seriously?
*** Of course.
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